You niccas really got this YouTube money shyt f*cked up.These cats get like 8-50k views man they not big time, i wouldnt stress if I was Ak
Ak probably make more money off youtube than both them combined
Is Ak seeing good bread? Yeah. Is Ak caking? Let me give you an example...
The Hodge twins have multiple channels with 1 million+ subs. Yet and still, these niccas branched out and did their own clothing and supplement line and for the past year and change basically stay on the road doing comedy shows. Recently they talked about how YouTube ad money has dried up. These niccas had to stop cussing just to get some crumbs of the ad money they used to get.
These dudes have 2 mil+ more subscribers than Ak and are out here trying to use every ounce of their notoriety and make all different kinds of maneuvers to maximize their earnings.
So YouTube money holding Ak down when compared to the average guy making 60, 70 grand a year...yeah. Thinking he's making more than Desus and Mero combined from YouTube is foolishness though.