Is India Racist?

Hardest Since MC Ren

Kizz My Black Azz
Aug 4, 2012
I'm sure some folks were jealous because he was probably messing with some bad Indian girls

why dont u watch the video first moron..?

got mistaken for another African cat they beefed beaten up..end of story

Im sure there were other African students there..question is why they aint do shyt?


May 20, 2012
The caste system has nothing to do with religion first of all
It came after vedic books

The caste system was a failed attempt at an organized economic structure
Where depending on your last name you did this or that job

Furthermore the caste system today is only enforced in villages in India not in city areas
Only villages with little education and most villagers are illiterate
Not city areas

I agree with you on most of what you stated but even if the caste system isn't "enforced" it is still used. If people are selling skin lightener on commercials and most people who are well off is light skin, the society obviously still believes this lie.

Check this out about this fake ass caste system:

Impact of Manu Dharma or Caste System on the World Society

"Deivanayagams in their newsletter, Dravida Samayam, dated June, 1998 write,

When the Europeans came to India, the Brahmins supported and assisted them to capture the political power of India and enslave the Indians. This is not new since when we analyze the history of India, it is revealed that the Aryan Brahmins have acted as the traitors through the ages. The Europeans were made to believe that they and the Aryan Brahmins were from the same stock, and since the Aryan Brahmins supported and assisted the Europeans to capture the political power of India, they made the world believe that the Brahmins are the leaders of Hindu Religion. Thus they have attributed special achievements and qualities to the Brahmins and have deceived the whole world.

Though history reveals the fact that Hindu Religion is of the Dravidians and the Aryans have nothing to do with Hindu Religion, it was made to believe that the Brahmins are the leaders of Hindu Religion. The Europeans who coined the term 'Hinduism' to denote all the Indian religions, made the world to believe that the Brahmins are the leaders of Hindu religion. Hence, international scholars often write that the Brahmins are the leaders of Hindu religion.

The question immediately arises as to why the Europeans propagated this ideology to the world, and the Deivanayagams give the answer.

There are many similarities between the Aryan Brahmins and the Europeans. Both of them were proud of their light complexion and followed color discrimination. They came from the outside into India and were involved in activities with the motive of exploiting and enslaving the Indians. They prided themselves as superior over the Indians, the Dravidians, though the divine thoughts and philosophies originated from the Dravidians, and looked upon others as inferior to themselves. However, the concept of the Dravidians is 'Every country is my country and all are my kith and kin' and they wanted to be affectionate and friendly with everyone. The Aryan Brahmins pretended that they were spiritualists (soulists) and claimed that the Vedas, which were compiled by a Dravidian, Veda Vyasa, belong to them and enslaved the people in the guise of religion. Similarly the Europeans claimed that the Bible belonged to them, and showed themselves as the leaders of Christianity, while involved in activities which enslaved others.

Even though the Aryans claim that the Vedas belong to them, no correlation can be seen between the Vedas and the Hindu Religion. In the Vedas the names of Saivite and Vaishnavite Gods and Goddesses do not occur, and there is no place for these deities. Nature worship is predominant in the Vedas and they are Agni (Fire), Varuna (Water), Vayu (air)...etc. Since they are fire worshippers, during their special family occasions, as the Saivite and Vaishnavite priests instead of worshipping Siva or Vishnu, they worship and give importance to Agni (Fire), and they degraded Siva as the God of Sudras."