Real N Quotes
East Is In The House OMG
It is debatable whether it is a mental disorder or not, but it definitely is a perversion because it isn't prevalent in most of the other species on Earth.
a mental disorder that has been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years... a mental disorder that we yet to find a cure or meds for?
being attracted to the same sex sounds a lot like a mental disease to me.
No, it occurs naturally throughout nature in almost every species.
How can people deny that being a homosexual is a mental disorder??
It’s not normal to be attracted to the same sex. It’s a union that doesn’t produce children which is the dominant force of life.
I’m all for gay rights nobody should be denied basic human rights but the shyt is a perversion that isn’t normal why is that controversial?
Humans do a lot of things that are not considered “normal” by the rest of the animal kingdom. We’re big brain animals. The bigger the brain the more variety in behavior that’s not solely driven on instinct.
Humans find joy in sex. It’s not just a reproductive act for us. So if you’re not just doing it because you’re driven by heat or to purposely reproduce, it’s logical that you would see our species engage in sexual activities that fall outside of reproduction.
Oh yeah? How many mentally ill Penguins do you know?So does mental illness
Oh yeah? How many mentally ill Penguins do you know?
I think a lot of people who find gay people 'unnatural' aren't necessarily put off by them having homosexual sex, but by them taking on mannerisms of the opposite sex in a contrived sort of way. That clearly has to do with identity (a mental phenomenon) rather than sexuality.
To my knowledge, you don't find that in other species much. And humans' relatively big and unusual brains can be a reason for that. So your brain observation doesn't necessarily point to the 'natural' side of the discussion.
I wouldn’t be so quick to agree with this, especially since I can’t really think of any examples top of mind of “feminine” and “masculine” animal behavior. Most animals usually operate off dominant and submissive socialization and the physical manifestation of those traits can often be found in both the males and females of the species.
Not always. There are plenty of people with autism who are super successful because of it, obviously depending on the type and degree of it. My dad has aspbergers and it made him an incredibly good trauma surgeon because he doesn’t get very emotional and just goes to work trying to save the patient. You’re the one who said mental illness is prevalent in the animal kingdom, I’m just waiting for your proof of this. Homosexuality, bisexuality, etc isn’t harmful to humans who fall under the category until bigots like you impose your stupid ass ideas or thoughts onto them.You do accept that mental illnesses are unusual brain events that are detrimental to the owner of said brain, right?