I put "Black Americans" to be specific about which group of blacks I was referring to. I'm pretty sure that folks in Africa support black businesses in their own neighborhoods.
As has been mentioned in this thread when you look at the history of black America you see that every time we have come together to advance our communities we have been systematically attacked. Tulsa Oklahoma and Rosewood are obvious examples, but I would also add Cointelpro and the assassination of mlk and macolm x in the mix. I add them because they were leaders who instilled a sense of pride in us and their assassinations left a leadership void within our communities.
Economic racism, as well as negative stereotypes of black people have also instilled this sense of distrust in us. When you look at Chinese, Indian, or even African communities they have this sense of arrogant pride about them. How can we have that when it seems like our 'given' history revolves around slavery, kkk and Jim Crow?