Ken Piffey Jr.
I actually didn't think Broussard was that bad on PTI...

I actually didn't think Broussard was that bad on PTI...
Cant get any worst than this
youre blowing my high...move around dog, u aint gotta be on my dikk 24/7..get some air breh
yada yada yada...yall WANT me to be a fakkit..
IVE said on numerous occassions that im not gay, why would I lie about that?...if I was trying to hide it why would I cross-dress on Ustream?..logic fail...i lost a bet, did what i did, and people created this whole he's gay thing....but nah for some reason yall WANT me to be gay
but who cares, your c-list
Cant get any worst than this
damn this thread is sad