Knicks: 93 til infinity
So brehs, from my limited knowledge from overseas it seems that the whoel BLM thing really is turning into a Black LGBTQIAwhateverotherletter thing? I mean...I don't even have an issue for them to have a platform, but why did THIS platform go from something to protest black people (mostly black men) getting randomly killed to a totally different thing?
TBH I haven't followed much of the whole thing, but on FB I follow various Black pages and it seems that a third of the articles is about Black LGBTQIA, a third abiout Black women, and a third about all of the rest. I hardly see specific things about Black heterosexual men. I'm confused
I tend to notice that almost every picture of BLM or other Black groups usually show black women, less so black men 
I see the same more and more in France with the emerging black militancy. More often than not, the focus will be on black women, and more and more on black LBGQITA. Same thing, I don't see many things about Black heterosexual men unless it's
a. to lament if one got shot/killed
b. to accuse them of not being more inclusive themselves
When I was in Toronto a couple weeks ago I picked up this free magazine about culture/what's going in the city etc, and it had a special focus on BLM. On the cover was yet another picture of a black woman, all right then
then I sit down and I'm really interested to see what the articles are about, and actually impressed that they had a special issue on BLM
Then I get to the articles and it's ONLY about tensions between BLM and Toronto gay Pride festival and how Black men should be more inclusive 

TBH I haven't followed much of the whole thing, but on FB I follow various Black pages and it seems that a third of the articles is about Black LGBTQIA, a third abiout Black women, and a third about all of the rest. I hardly see specific things about Black heterosexual men. I'm confused

I see the same more and more in France with the emerging black militancy. More often than not, the focus will be on black women, and more and more on black LBGQITA. Same thing, I don't see many things about Black heterosexual men unless it's
a. to lament if one got shot/killed
b. to accuse them of not being more inclusive themselves

When I was in Toronto a couple weeks ago I picked up this free magazine about culture/what's going in the city etc, and it had a special focus on BLM. On the cover was yet another picture of a black woman, all right then