the majority of the real hip hop community realizes he looks funny in the light. people with common sense can tell he's inorganic and inauthentic. if you connect the dots it's very easy to see he doesn't want his connections being brought to the light. his recent interviews prove he's irritated that people still aren't 100% sold on his image most likely because it looks like someone took lots of time and thought to construct it. he's using hip hop and the culture as a stepping stone to politics to entrap younger blacks of voting and working age to blindly accept policies that will eventually backfire on the black community. this is why liberals love him because they see the agenda behind him and understand exactly what his position is. this is why he's pushed. he's more than a plant. he's a political seed being watered and fed by the DNC/Socialist/Marxist brainwashing agenda to blind you from thinking logically about your political power and options in the future. it's a setup.
Stay Woke.
Edit: Click for confirmation
Here's a guy that worked for Chance's Dad explaining the point further
We don't believe you you need more people. Shoutout
@Uncle Hotep
Never Forget. Chance made a whole mini movie being some lame cuck token negro lusting and losing his shyt over a white woman. He got set up by cacs over love and the desire to be white and good enough to be with a white you know why white people love him so much.
shyt is honestly

to watch
But wait.....there's more
Chance The Rapper Reveals He Owns Tobacco Farmland In New Interview with Nardwuar