I bet these bozo the clown ass nikkas never read anything on the Chinese and Russian revolution. If you ask them what is the difference between Maoism or Lennism they would have no clue. And if they really on the revolutionary ish do any of them know how to shoot a gun? Lol these clowns are twitter activists.
They have the simple mindset that anyone who is opposed to the capitalist west is automatically a hero and one of the good guys.
Teenage middle class white girls who have no idea about how the working classes have been failed by these systems countless times, and have no idea what it is like to actually live under these tyrants, tweeting things like "Stalin is bae" and "goals" with a picture of Lenin.
With a cute hammer and sickle in their name.
Because they are ignorant. Mind you being that it's cool to appear "woke" or a social justice warrior, you got folks basically trend hopping anything that would validate what they believe they are.
I've noticed more adults that are like that than anything. It's sad and embarrassing because these folks straight up are playing themselves without realizing it. They are supporting the bullshyt by following these controlled oppression movements like the resistance bullshyt.
Some of the stuff they come out with, it's like they're reading from a script. They all use the same buzzwords and catchphrases, to make themselves appear more intelligent than they are.
I have more respect for people who I disagree with over politics who are capable of thinking for themselves, and expressing opinions that weren't just handed to them by their social theory professors.