Is #BlackLivesMatter Leading Nowhere?

Man On Fire

All Star
Aug 10, 2012
The Liberal Con on Black America is dying:wow:

I'm glad to see how brothers and sisters are recognizing that the homosexual feminist liberal media has been attacking the traditional Black Family with demonic initiatives and distortions to CONTROL resources in our community


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
I told y'all. This shyt is disgusting:scust:. We are already at war with crime, poverty, and racism. Now we gotta fight the Gay Agenda in our own communities:snoop:

Wow... never really could get behind blm to begin with--it was clear that they had other agendas going on. Going back to the op yes, BLM as a movement has been leading us nowhere, though the one thing they've been successful in is getting whites upset lol. On other forums where a lot of whites congregate I constantly see posts from them speaking about how much they hate blm...

Tribal Outkast

Nov 22, 2016
I try not to drag the movement but I do have questions sometimes. I'm new here so I'll start by saying this.. I'm a tv news photographer in Charlotte and I was in the middle of the protests/riots that popped off after Keith Scott was shot by that police officer. It was weird to see so many non black people out there with their faces covered especially having some of them participate in the destruction. Then when everything died down it was like mostly white people and gay black people out there protesting at the Panthers games or whatever. I'm not going to say BLM are leading us nowhere but I'll say that I'm confused AF about what people are trying to get accomplished. So many different organizations and groups man.. I just don't get it.. Anyway.


All Star
May 12, 2012
Nashville Tenn
I try not to drag the movement but I do have questions sometimes. I'm new here so I'll start by saying this.. I'm a tv news photographer in Charlotte and I was in the middle of the protests/riots that popped off after Keith Scott was shot by that police officer. It was weird to see so many non black people out there with their faces covered especially having some of them participate in the destruction. Then when everything died down it was like mostly white people and gay black people out there protesting at the Panthers games or whatever. I'm not going to say BLM are leading us nowhere but I'll say that I'm confused AF about what people are trying to get accomplished. So many different organizations and groups man.. I just don't get it.. Anyway.

Not to delve into the election to much but it kind of coincides, the left doesn't seem to know how to benefit from the rebellious energy like the right. For example, before this there was the occupy movement. People knew there was something wrong with the system but couldn't put heads together to make any changes. People just camped out for a long time and after awhile everyone went home. Same with BLM. It's like these movements are more interested in changing hearts than trying to find a solution that will legally protect people. If people aren't really seeing solutions or results, I can see why people seem to stop showing up to protest. Now take a look at the right. They were mad about the 08 election, had their tea party rallies, and were able to get people in positions, changing districts, etc. Folks are having meltdowns over this election but truthfully it was lost a long time ago cause they were slowly and quietly positioning themselves into power for the last 8 years. Truth be told, the left should be studying the right because whoever their political strategist are were able to turn a party that looked dead in the water around quickly.

Also I believe in the last few years, we've begin to see liberalism basically cannibalize itself. Groups trying to go for gold in the Oppression Olympics and turning allies into enemies. Women talking down on men. Men talking down on women. Gays talking down straights. We can add on but after awhile I see why one overall group can't function when people might feel that there are people in their own ranks that are wanting to stab them in the back once everything has died down.


Jun 11, 2012
I try not to drag the movement but I do have questions sometimes. I'm new here so I'll start by saying this.. I'm a tv news photographer in Charlotte and I was in the middle of the protests/riots that popped off after Keith Scott was shot by that police officer. It was weird to see so many non black people out there with their faces covered especially having some of them participate in the destruction. Then when everything died down it was like mostly white people and gay black people out there protesting at the Panthers games or whatever. I'm not going to say BLM are leading us nowhere but I'll say that I'm confused AF about what people are trying to get accomplished. So many different organizations and groups man.. I just don't get it.. Anyway.

Well. I heard an activist down there that was calling out deray on twitter for basically ignoring Charlotte until that keith scott incident because he couldn't get any money and press from what was happening out there in 2015. deray's time is coming. he will be exposed along with those other frauds.


Jun 11, 2012
You know something that I find really disturbing that I just am now realizing.

There are way too many fake ass activists or actorvist in the woodwork where they are literally exposing themselves with no shame. they are not down for the cause. they are down for themselves.

The biggest give away or tell tell sign that someone is an actorvist is how they are quick to trendhop on the latest controversies that are going on. they are down with it until it's uncool then they move on or keep their mouth shut. see them on social media all the time and they are so fake. through all of that shyt, you can see how hollow or shallow they are. not an ounce of genuine care. when BLM was popping, they were repping heavy. then it was the trump and Clinton campaign. now it's standing rock. you see the pattern? it's like they are just repping shyt for brownie points, to be liked or for some ulterior motive and after awhile, it's like you realize that they don't care. it's just a business or a joke to them. worst off, they try to diss all those that aren't doing what they do when they are fake as fukk to begin with. notice how these folks on that BLM are silent. them and their fanmob. I hear nothing. now it's about standing rock. shyt is wack as hell. people like that I'm real curious to hear their views and shyt because I know that they more than likely are uneducated on what they are standing up for and whatever.

It's time to set these off brand phonies straight.