Slow, but smart film. One of the first A24 films to subvert the expectations of casual audiences before it was cool and now the norm. I remember a lot of folks thinking this was going to be something akin to a Scorsese crime film.
A Most Violent Year said:
yea...context is very important with this film and the tactics within the industry are what the title is referring too. The theme being discussed here is big business becoming the same as criminals/mobsters if not worse...engaging in ruthless tactics to gain power/influence/profits. Even the most moral actor amongst them at the end had to adjust and play the game in front of him, and ultimately the system that's supposed to check him could be bought too.
This film is a very interesting look into how big business along with the government, legal system, and the 80's boom lead to where we are today.
I'm not gonna tell anyone what to like or how they should feel about a film but I for one was never mad because of the title and what the film actually was...that's pretty silly
I actually think this is something that could work great as a show