Iran and Venezuela's ties to narcoterrorism and money laundering


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Argentina Probe Finds Prosecutor Alberto Nisman Was Murdered
Argentina Probe Finds Prosecutor Alberto Nisman Was Murdered

Crusader in Jewish-center bombing died from gunshot in 2015 while pursuing case against Cristina Kirchner
Taos TurnerSept. 22, 2017 3:57 p.m. ET

Argentina's Public Prosecutor Alberto Nisman, shown giving a press conference in Buenos Aires in 2009, was found dead in 2015 hours before he was due to testify at a congressional hearing. Photo: JUAN MABROMATA/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Taos Turner
BUENOS AIRES—Investigators here have concluded that prosecutor Alberto Nisman was murdered in 2015 hours before he was to testify in Congress against then-President Cristina Kirchner, according to people familiar with the investigators’ report, opening a new chapter in a mystery that has transfixed Argentina.

The report was submitted to a federal court on Friday. The probe is part of an effort to resolve a case that has become a milepost in a long history of unresolved, high-profile allegations against the country’s political elite. A police unit, the Gendarmerie, oversaw the investigation.

The report also presents a test for Argentine President Mauricio Macri, who has vowed to support the judicial system and give it the autonomy it needs to investigate controversial cases without interference from the executive branch.

Mr. Nisman died shortly before he was set to present his case in Congress alleging that Mrs. Kirchner had conspired with Iran to sabotage his investigation into the bombing of a Jewish community center in 1994. His body was found in his apartment bathroom on Jan. 18, 2015 after a bullet was fired into his head.


Argentinians demonstrate for justice in Buenos Aires on Jan. 21 2015 in response to the death of public prosecutor Alberto Nisman. Photo: ALEJANDRO PAGNI/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Mrs. Kirchner, who denied Mr. Nisman’s accusations of a coverup, first suggested he had committed suicide. She later indicated she had no doubt he had been murderedto smear her image. “The true operation against the government was the prosecutor’s death,” she said.

Twenty-eight government forensic experts, toiling at a secret facility for seven months, concluded this week that Mr. Nisman was killed, people familiar with the report told The Wall Street Journal.

The experts studied bloodstain patterns, gunpowder residue tests, crime-scene photos and other evidence, and carried out tests in a full-scale mock-up of Mr. Nisman’s bathroom, according to the people familiar with the findings.

The Gendarmerie said Friday that investigators had handed the report to a federal court. A federal prosecutor and federal judge must now evaluate the report and could order additional measures to try to establish who might have killed Mr. Nisman.

A previous inquiry into Mr. Nisman’s death, led by a low-ranking government investigator who was eventually removed from the case, failed to clarify the matter.

“We should stop debating if this was a suicide and be clear that we have sufficient reason to believe it was murder,” said Ricardo Saenz, a prosecutor who wasn’t involved in the new investigation. “He was killed because of the work he was doing.”


Ex-President Cristina Kirchner campaigns for a seat in Senate in Buenos Aires in August. Photo: Marcos Brindicci/Reuters

Argentine officials expressed caution over the report, noting that the judicial branch needs to proceed independently. “We have to be super prudent with this,” Marcos Peña, Mr. Macri’s cabinet chief, said Thursday. “We have to wait for the courts to determine what happened and see if they confirm this line of investigation.”

No one has been convicted in the case that for years obsessed Mr. Nisman: the July 18, 1994 car bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association in Buenos Aires, which killed 85 people.

According to people familiar with the Gendarmerie report, investigators assert that Mr. Nisman was sedated with the anesthetic Ketamine and then killed by two assailants in his Buenos Aires apartment.

Mr. Nisman had sustained blows to his head, kidney, nose and leg, indicating that he had been struck before dying, investigators said, according to a forensic expert familiar with the findings. Such bruises are inconsistent with a self-inflicted suicide wound, the expert said.

The investigators found that Mr. Nisman’s hand showed no signs of gunpowder residue, and tests done on the .22-caliber Bersa pistol that fired the bullet into his head showed that it leaves residue when discharged. The conclusion, investigators said, is that Mr. Nisman didn’t pull the trigger, people familiar with the report said.

Days before his death, Mr. Nisman filed a criminal claim accusing Mrs. Kirchner and others of secretly negotiating a deal with Tehran to offer immunity for Iranian suspects of the Jewish-center bombing in exchange for Iranian oil.

Mrs. Kirchner said the allegations were part of a broad international conspiracy to undermine her presidency. Her government said it had been in talks with Iran to create a commission aimed at clarifying who was responsible for the bombing.

Mrs. Kirchner’s presidential term ended in December 2015. She is currently campaigning for a seat in Argentina’s Senate.

After Mr. Nisman’s death, two federal courts overruled requests from prosecutors to investigate Mr. Nisman’s allegations of a coverup, saying there was no evidence a crime had been committed. Another federal court has said it is now investigating the allegations.

Mr. Nisman had claimed that Hezbollah agents, working with Iran, chose Argentina because it was a soft target with a large Jewish community. In 2006, Mr. Nisman and another prosecutor filed charges against Iran’s then-president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, four top ministers and three former Iranian Embassy officials in Argentina. Interpol issued notices for the arrest of the Iranian suspects.

Iran has denied responsibility for the attack, as has Hezbollah, and no one has been convicted.

In 2015, shortly before his death, Mr. Nisman said he had inadvertently uncovered evidence of what he called a coverup. He said he had years of intercepted phone calls—which he included with a criminal complaint filed shortly before his death—that he said provided “a great deal of evidence” for “a plan to illegally aid and fraudulently and definitively exonerate the Iranian suspects.”

Write to Taos Turner at

@88m3 @Blessed Is the Man @Leasy @BaggerofTea @Trajan@Clean Cut @Broke Wave @Disclosure @FaTaL @KaiserRexTheCzar @Ill @the cac mamba @Ethnic Vagina Finder @Colilluminati @PoppyCorn710 @Jimi Swagger @KingSlime @mister.keys6x
@Cynic @FAH1223


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
May 2021:


U.S. monitoring Iranian warships that may be headed to Venezuela

U.S. monitoring Iranian warships that may be headed to Venezuela
Tehran's intent in sending the vessels in the direction of the Western Hemisphere remains a mystery, as does their cargo.
The timing of Iran’s apparent westward foray is especially inopportune for those hoping for a lowering of tensions with Tehran.

Since entering office, Biden has explored rejoining the 2015 agreement to curb Iran’s nuclear program, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which his predecessor Donald Trump abandoned in 2018. Those talks are ongoing in Vienna. The recent fighting between Israel and the militant group Hamas, long backed by Iran, also has fueled criticism from Republican lawmakers about the wisdom of re-entering the JCPOA.

Successive governments in Tehran and Caracas have made a habit of defying the United States, with whom each country has a complex history. The Venezuelan government was one of the first to recognize the Islamic Republic after the 1979 overthrow of the shah, a U.S. ally in the Middle East.

Tehran regularly objects to the presence of U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf region, and it has previously threatened to make a similar show of force in America’s backyard but never followed through.

Maduro’s authoritarian regime has been shunned by many countries, including its Latin American neighbors. The United States has imposed successively harsher rounds of sanctions that have punished an economy already wracked by mismanagement, corruption and Covid. Iran is one of Venezuela’s few close allies.

As Venezuela’s oil refining sector has collapsed in recent years, the Islamic Republic has sent multiple fuel tankers to the country to help with crippling gas shortages. In exchange, Venezuela’s government has supplied Tehran with much-needed cash and helped it build relationships in Latin America.

U.S. officials have watched those ties blossom with varying levels of concern.

In December, the top commander of U.S. troops in Central and South America described Iran’s growing military presence in Venezuela as “alarming.” In comments reported by The Wall Street Journal, Adm. Craig Faller, the commander of U.S. Southern Command, said the presence of personnel from Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force is particularly concerning.

The Trump administration designated the Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organization in 2019, and killed its Quds Force commander, Gen. Qasem Soleimani, last year in an airstrike in Iraq.

Last summer, U.S. authorities seized four ships carrying cargo from Iran to Venezuela, as the Journal reported. At one point on their journey, those ships and five others were traveling with an Iranian naval intelligence ship, U.S. officials told the paper. The ships did not reach Venezuela.

@88m3 @ADevilYouKhow @wire28 @dtownreppin214
@dza @wire28 @BigMoneyGrip @Dameon Farrow @re'up @Blackfyre @NY's #1 Draft Pick @Skyfall @2Quik4UHoes


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Well, well, well.... :whoo:

here we go

i bet they got nukes too

Cac lies. Iran and Venezuela have always had a partnership due to being OPEC members. Iran is trying to help an OPEC member almost on the verge of collapse maintain itself to keep OPEC afloat. It's like Germany helping Greece so the EU doesn't start to flop. It's logical. Saying a hardcore catholic country will some how become a safe haven for islamic terrorists is being naive. You can tie almost every rich Iranian to a terrorist organisation because the list is bias in itself. It's like how cacs toss around BLM so loosely.

it always seems like those countries who are doing terrorist things are the ones with oil

i wonder why


This a gigantic reach of epic proportions,... where does the buck stop ?:gucci:

:yeshrug: Why would it even matter?

Are you okay in the head breh ? You realize Brazil, Mexico aint f*cking with that islam sh!t

Never mind the rest of Latin America....

Stop acting like a cac...did you get bullied by pakistanis for being indian or some sh!t ?

Tarec who is of syrian decent isn't a sunni or major brand of islam..

So any link with terrorist groups such s isis
.al quaidah is going to be bull.

Watch out guys. Iran might use Venezuela to throw toilet paper at us!

What a BS, no Venezuela and Latin America will not be overrun by Islamic extremists, and anyone who believes that is an idiot.


I don't think Islamic Extremism taking hold in Venezuela is even an issue.

00000000000000000000000000000641I'm venezuelan and I would advise anyone here to take any crazy stories about trying to tie Venezuela and islamic terrorism with a grain of salt. Venezuela has always had Syrians, Lebanese, Saudis nationals living here, they mostly live in Isla de Margarita, Maracaibo, Punto Fijo, Puerto la Cruz, El Tigre, Maracay, and Caracas, and Aragua state. They're not terrorists they all for the most part have more money then the typical venezuelan and honestly like alot of well off venezuelans they have either already left or are trying to.

The only terrorist plot that I know of from memory is the downing of a airplane from cuba in 1976 that was done with a combination of righty whitey cubans and the venezuelan secret police. The only man still alive from that plot is Luis Posada Carriles and the U.S wont hand him over to Venezuela. He currently lives very comfortably in Miami.

The point is that If the venezuelan government really wanted to engaage in acts of terrorism like napolean thinks, they dont need the help of arabs to do it

Iran has had good relations with a number of Latin American countries this isn't news

Also how is Iran working with Al Qaeda when it is in Syria fighting AQ to prop up Assad?

too much hyperbole in here

Like I said, you're a sensationalist and until you can find Brazilian and Mexican intel



:comeon: One star doesnt feel like enough to describe how awful this is

This is very real

As long as they stop flooding into the ABC islands Venezuela can do what ever IMO


Iran ‘spies’ charged in plot to kidnap US journalist and speed her to Venezuela
Julian Borger
7-8 minutes
Four members of an alleged Iranian spy network have been charged with plotting the kidnap of an Iranian-American journalist and activist based in New York.

According to the indictment, the spy network was exploring ways to spirit the journalist from her home in Brooklyn and take her by speedboat out to sea, and then to Venezuela, which maintains friendly ties with Tehran.

William Sweeney, the head of New York’s FBI office, conceded the charges had the ring of “some far-fetched movie plot”.

“We allege a group, backed by the Iranian government, conspired to kidnap a US-based journalist here on our soil and forcibly return her to Iran,” Sweeney said. “Not on our watch.”

This speedboat scheme appears to have been considered only after the failure of efforts to persuade the target’s family to lure her to a third country in the Middle East, from where she would have been seized by Iranian agents, a technique used by Tehran in two recent incidents.

The target is named in the indictment only as “Victim-1” but Masih Alinejad, an outspoken critic of the Tehran government who lives in New York, confirmed that she was the intended victim.

“About eight months or so ago, the FBI warned me that there was a plot against me,” Alinejad told the Guardian in an email on Tuesday evening. “I said that’s not exactly news, I get death threats daily. The next thing is that the FBI tell me that I’m being targeted, that I am under photo and video surveillance in an operation by the intelligence ministry.

“The plot is pretty horrific but the FBI had my back. My family stayed in three safe houses for three months,” she said.

According to the US charges, the plot to abduct Alinejad was part of a broader kidnapping campaign developed by the Iranian intelligence ministry, with intended targets in Canada, the UK and the UAE.

In each case, the tactics appear to have been the same: private investigator agencies were hired under false pretences to conduct surveillance on the intended victim.

“As alleged, four of the defendants monitored and planned to kidnap a US citizen of Iranian origin who has been critical of the regime’s autocracy, and to forcibly take their intended victim to Iran, where the victim’s fate would have been uncertain at best,” said Audrey Strauss, US attorney for the southern district of New York.


Masih Alinejad in London. Photograph: Toby Melville/Reuters
The spy network is alleged to have consisted of Alireza Shavaroghi Farahani, a 50-year-old senior Iranian intelligence official, who ran a network of three agents who are accused of having coordinated surveillance operations from Tehran, and organised a money-laundering scheme to pay for it.

The three others were named as Mahmoud Khazein, aged 42; Kiya Sadeghi, 35, and Omid Noori, 45. All of them are believed to be in Iran. An Iranian American, Niloufar “Nellie” Bahadorifar, a 46-year-old based in California, was arrested at the beginning of the month and charged separately with providing financial services in support of the plot.

Over the past year, at least two other Iranian dissidents have been abducted abroad and taken back to Iran. Ruhollah Zam, a 42-year-old dissident journalist who had fled Iran in 2011 and was granted asylum in France, was lured to Iraq on false pretences in 2019. He was arrested by Iraqi police and handed over to Iran. In Tehran he was convicted, without evidence, of espionage, and was executed in December 2020.

Another Iranian American, Jamshid Sharmahd, a spokesman for a militant Iranian opposition group, was lured to Dubai in July 2020, where he disappeared. A few days later, Iran claimed it had captured him in a “complex operation” and video of him confessing to alleged crimes was broadcast on state television. Sharmahd is still in prison in Iran.

One of the alleged plotters is said to have had a picture of Zam, Sharmahd and Alinejad on an electronic device with the words in Farsi: “Gradually the gathering gets bigger … Are you coming or should we come for you?”

According to the indictment, Alinejad was targeted for her campaign against the compulsory use of hijab head coverings for Iranian women. In July 2019, the head of the revolutionary courts warned that anyone caught sending Alinejad video material that undermined or criticised hijab laws would be committing the crime of cooperating with a hostile foreign government and would face up to 10 years in prison.

The prosecutors allege that efforts to abduct Alinejad had already begun the previous year, when the Iranian intelligence network tried to persuade Alinejad’s relatives in Iran to invite her to a third country “apparently for the purpose of having [her] arrested or detained and transported to Iran for imprisonment”.

Her relatives were offered money to issue the invitation but they turned it down, prosecutors said. In September 2019, one of Alinejad’s relatives was arrested and sentenced to eight years, accused of maintaining contact with her.

The indictment claimed the plot to kidnap her from New York began in June 2020, when members of the alleged network hired a New York private detective agency to carry out surveillance of Alinejad, under the cover story that one of her friends had fled the Middle East with unpaid bills and her debtors were trying to find them.

The charges suggest the FBI was able to hack into the network’s electronic devices and monitor communications and internet searches. The alleged Iranian spies were said to have researched travel routes from Alinejad’s home to a “waterfront neighborhood in Brooklyn”. They are also said to have “researched a service offering military-style speedboats for self-operated maritime evacuation out of Manhattan, New York, and maritime travel from New York to Venezuela”.

There is no evidence presented in the indictment that the plot progressed beyond research of the alleged abduction route.

The same alleged network is accused of carrying out surveillance on three targets in Canada and one in the UK, where, beginning on 17 September 2020, it hired private investigators to conduct surveillance on an unnamed “Iranian expatriate journalist and political commentator”. The British investigators are said to have taken pictures of the journalist’s home. Farahani is also alleged to have ordered the surveillance of targets in the UAE.

Alinejad, who has clashed with other Iranian Americans over her campaign against hijab regulations, and over US diplomatic overtures to Tehran, insisted she was undeterred.

“Compulsory hijab is like the Berlin Wall, once it falls, the regime in Iran falls, too,” she said. “And now I’m giving voice to the mothers who lost their children in the November 2019 protests.”

“My life is what it is,” she added. “I will live my life as I have. The regime has guns and bullets, we have social media.”

@88m3 @ADevilYouKhow @wire28 @dtownreppin214
@dza @wire28 @BigMoneyGrip @Dameon Farrow @re'up @Blackfyre @NY's #1 Draft Pick @Skyfall @2Quik4UHoes

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
This guy is an idiot 4 years later

if I isolated and illegally sanctioned (an act of war) let’s say, a random country in order to replace the government and even supported an undemocratic coup on numerous occasions. Let’s say it was Algeria. If Algeria for several years in an era of greater interconnected ness through advanced encrypted communications connected with other countries who are unjustly suffering the same fate, would that be a major surprise?

If North Korea, Venezuela and Iran have agents that freely communicate, that doesn’t indicate to the non clinical mind that they are plotting some nefarious homeland style attack. Depending on the degree of isolation and in this case between Iran and Venezuela they have the most in common.

Iran nationalized the oil fields and kicked out western oil companies twice. The first time with a democratically elected gov and the most recent and permanent being the Islamic revolution in 1979; prompting the brutal 800,000 death Iran Iraq war where America supported their stooge Saddam Hussein in capturing the oil fields which are adjacent to Iraq. Iran had friends though at this time despite its opposition to the Soviet Union. That friend was the CIA, who sold advanced weapons to Iran to fund their war in Central America leading to the Iran-Contra affair. This is a whole other hour topic but let’s keep this simple.

Venezuela also nationalized it’s oil production in the early 00s under Hugo Chavez and became an instant enemy of the Unifed States. This is another long topic but that is the central theme. Cuba is still an enemy and under illegal crippling embargo for the same crime of nationalizing their own industries 60 years ago.

I don’t want to debate nap so don’t bother replying. I just want anyone who reads this post to know a little more. Thanks :smile:

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation