If I ever get to where I want in politics, those who ordered this and carried it out will be thrown in the ovens themselves. Frank underwood (house of cards) is a p*ssy cat compared to me.
This really shows the current ruling classes contempt for their own people but there are many other examples of how we treat living people as well, lawabiding taxpayers who may have come upon hard times. Secret courts of protection, liverpool care pathway' which involves starving so called terminally ill people to death in hospitals, how we allowed the abuse and may well still allow the abuse of children in our state care by the great and good. The fact we allow seriously mentally ill people to roam the streets putting them and other people at risk, pretending it's about being more humane than locking them up in long term mental hospitals , but really it's about saving money and giving more money to big pharma who have them forced onto drugs that either don't work or these poor people don't take them which can cause serious incidents that the police have to then clean up the mess.
I could go on really,but I think the point is well made, I have no idea how it is in america or if it is worse,but in my view it's about time the ruling class were removed and people brought in who regard themselves as british first and not world or european citizens or corporate shills.Hitler used a line that I always liked,'we must disinfect all our state insitutions and government', something like that, That is what needs to be done. Because we are rotten to the core. Sadly most people don't care ,providing they have heat light food computers ,ipods , alchohol and recreational drugs (britain basically stopped seriously punishing drug users years ago, ) now cynical people like myself would think this was deliberate, to stupify the people so they can't see what is going on in their name and get angry about it and take to the streets and hang the politicians and burn down parliament, and remove the royal family.
That is why people who are pro legalisation should try to see the bigger picture, like who is funding these legalisation campaigns, .... there are good arguments on both sides good people on both sides with true and good intentions , I believe in treating addiction as a disease myself I would prefer to send addicts who commit victimless crimes to hospitals not prisons , but I also know exactly why certain powerful people want us all smoking spliffs. .