my nephew suffers from ADHD...dude would get up in classes and start running or doing random activity forgetting he was in a classroom...
when given ritalin.. he had decent grades..
how is this shyt fictitious? how do you INVENT it...he just named it...
our diets is the cause
The cure isn't these medications, Medications cause other issues, plus deep down it keeps the person with that mental complex about learning. My main bytch talking bout she has adhd, :GTFOH:.. I know too much about it, but I will just say.. there are ways to control and teach everyone.
Plus, like u said.. diets... and lifestyle.. we are killing ourselves. I know everyone likes to clown religion, but the blueprint of some religions can help u and ur children avoid all that shyt. lol, I'm not saying religion can cure learning disabilities.. demonic societies just perpetuate and profit off them.
I made an entire thread on this and no one posted in it.
we sincerrrrely apologize from the bottoms of our hearts. but can u link to it?