That's why I like having discussions about films like this. A little lovely debate and my scores goes to 4/5 

Being that Interstellar and Inception are companion films, I can see similar endings. As for TDKR, I disagree. It was clear and concise in its ending. The only ambiguity was the question of who or what John Blake was to become.
nikkas have resorted to complaining that Nolan doesnt give them their daily porn fix to bash his films![]()
yeah there's other legitimate things to dislike about Nolan films, such as David S. Goyer and Hans Zimmer
I wouldn't say the worse, but ineffective and poorly executed. I mean in the comics Talia and Batman always had a conflicting romantic connection, and in the film, it would make a lot of sense of her seeking personal revenge to the man who's responsible to the death of her father as well as trying to fulfill her father's last agenda at the same time. I have no problem with that, but the romantic execution wasn't done well at all. Not the fact he gave her the dicck, I mean WHO WOULDN'T? It's the fact that he's suddenly "in love" with that hoe after fuccking her just once, and immediately get go out and get the beats from Bane and a broken back and kidnapped for 6 months. I know Bruce typically haven't gotten any ass for 8 years and shyt... but to get weak on p*ssy THAT quick and it being the reason of his common sense being cloudy just doesn't fly. Nolan should of built on that relationship more... make it concrete. Have it to where he indeed rebounded from Rachel and been dating this chick for YEARS.
Here's why it's bad: Because she had him in her clutches and she decided to continue with this elaborate ass plan that crumbles when you think about it. I can go for it in the comics because there is a backstory and stories of buildup which makes sense but in this case, in one movie, introducing this character that hasn't been a part of the story? No
lol, Nolan is the ultimate smart dumb director. He just coats all his dumbing down with big words so it looks smart.
Matt McConaughey: "The wormhole is a sphere?"
The black guy: "Well of course? You didn't think it would be an actual hole?" *insert Nolan self-congratulatory smirk*
The black guy: "Let me explain to you exactly why it is a sphere utilizing this piece of paper like we're in class."
Matt Damon: "You've literally risen me from the dead."
Matt McConaughey (all but looking directly at the viewer): "Lazarus!"
Matt McConaughey in the fifth dimension: "Don't you get it, TARS?"
*explains everything going on in smart dumb terms*
2 minutes later...
Matt McConaughey in the fifth dimension: "Don't you get it?!"
*explains everything going on in smart dumb terms*
2 minutes later...
Matt McConaughey in the fifth dimension: "DON'T YOU GET IT?!"
*explains everything going on in smart dumb terms*
TARS: "The bulk creatures are collapsing the tesseract. Their bush robots activated a boom tube that's driven by unparticle physics. I'm just throwing random science/scifi related terms at you now."
Matt Damon: "You've literally risen me from the dead."
Matt McConaughey (all but looking directly at the viewer): "Lazarus!"
That where I may have to differ with you. I DO agree that the relationship (so-called) was azz-cheeks, but the plan itself was quite brilliant AND effective and the reasons behind it were logical. Talia, through Bane, was set out to strip away virtually everything from Bruce. And she almost succeeded in doing that. She stripped away his entire fortune, she stripped away his company, she stole his hope connection of love, and Bane was able to break him physically. And the crescendo was for him to witness the city he loves go up in nuclear hell, AFTER months of torturing the city itself.