Interracial Couple attacked by racist cacs in NYC (black woman and white man)

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
This stupid ass CAC is going to say Black people are more racist that whites then tell me to ignore what real racism is. Racism is institutional. It's one race using the laws, economy, politics, etc to subjugate another race. Please tell me when has black people ever been in a situation to use politics, laws, and the economy to keep white people in their place?

What you're probably talking about is bigotry prejudice. Even in that case whites are the most bigoted and prejudiced group of people out there because prejudice and bigotry are preconditions to racism. fukk outta here.

That idiot doesn't even deserve to be dignified with a response. Talmbout we should be thankful whitey doesnt have us working on the plantations to this day. :comeon:


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
A.I. is a smart dude. Both of yall are fukked in the head period... Keep twisting shyt, I hope it makes u feel better

Uncle Kingpin

No Relation
Jul 26, 2013
This is a dumb ass post to make in a 26 page thread. You're so cool that you had to post a comment instead of keeping it moving :beli:
:umad:You mad that i dont give a fukk about some white dude getting jumped? People get beat up every day and im supposed to care cuz it was an interracial couple? I'm not one to give a cac the benefit of the doubt when they do some racist shyt, and i dont condone what happened, but i bet there was some point dude could have walked away but instead he put on his superman cape and tried to save the day...but since he aint got no superpowers he got his ass whipped.


Jun 21, 2012
sorry dude but wherever you live must be an exception. I see plenty of ww/bm couples but Black men with Asian/Latina/other non-black is rare as hell. And marriage stats will probably back me up.

Depends on where you are from. I'm not a big fan of blacks laying up with Latinos, but in NYC this appears to be the largest IR combination that I have seen, particularly between blacks and puerto ricans/dominicans. In the Bronx and Brooklyn, black men and latin women are screwing and procreating like they are repopulating the earth.


Jun 21, 2012
I think you are misinformed a bit. Black men are also dating more Latina women than ever before too. We also didn't really start getting at white women hard until the 90s. It would be stupid for black men to be upset when they are having success with other races of women. Historically, BW and WM were with either low key since slavery. A lot of black women in the community were mistresses and jump offs for many white men even under the oppressive segregation era. In fact, interracial marriage became acceptable under a BW/WM couple This never would have passed if a BM/WW fought for this.


So the next time black women gets mad because you are with a white women or another race....let her know about this and she will shut up real quick. Knowledge is Power! Take heed to the game...spitting from the Survival Scrolls.

It aint even close and they know it.

Black women are by far the most psychologically damaged and depressed about interracial relationships.

Black women write books about it...they write news articles about it...they have "news specials" and talk groups that complain about it.

They write all types of depressing poems and shyt about it.

Hell, black women "boycott" black male actors that even think of having a white or non-black love interests whether on film or in their personal lives. They crow and complain whenever black men on TV have a woman of another race as a wife or girlfreind.

I remember black women were hootin and howlin about Will Smith's love interest in Hitch back in 04'...I remember they wanted to boycott Red Tails because one of the pilot's love interest was an italian female. They wanted to reduce the viewership of that couple in an effort to drive down the sales of the movie just so that they could limit the exposure of these types of couples. The shyt is deeper than people think.

The angst about it is very well organized.

Google the "Wall of Shame" back when black women at Brown University tried to shame the black men in interracial relationships on campus by placing their names on a wall to publily embarrass them.

I have never heard black men really going to any lengths to showcase that level of animosity. A few glares...sure I've heard of it...has a white guy or two been stomped out? ABsolutely, but all the shyt I've mentioned above? Not even in the same ball park.
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Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Depends on where you are from. I'm not a big fan of blacks laying up with Latinos, but in NYC this appears to be the largest IR combination that I have seen, particularly between blacks and puerto ricans/dominicans. In the Bronx and Brooklyn, black men and latin women are screwing and procreating like they are repopulating the earth.

In NY I've seen it the other way around, and you've got to realize Latinos (Caribbean ones like Puerto Ricans, Dominicans etc.) mix with each other anyway (an Afro-latino dating a White-latino or a Mestizo) so it's not really a big deal. I've seen both.


All Star
Mar 27, 2013
It aint even close and they know it.

Black women are by far the most psychologically damaged and depressed about interracial relationships.

Black women write books about it...they write news articles about it...they have "news specials" and talk groups that complain about it.

They write all types of depressing poems and shyt about it.

Simply Because Black men don't use that avenue but they make their opinions known via Youtube and the Internet, Tired Black men, Black men Vent, Field Negros, SargeWP, Tommy, and Tariq, Those MGTWO and MRA Black dudes.... Hell that Afrocentric Page called Black Truth spends 95% Bashing Black women who prefer WM while posting memes of BMWW relationships

Hell, black women "boycott" black male actors that even think of having a white or non-black love interests whether on film or in their personal lives. They crow and complain whenever black men on TV have a woman of another race as a wife or girlfreind.

Did you not see all those Kerry Washington, Zoe Saldana Hate Threads

I remember black women were hootin and howlin about Will Smith's love interest in Hitch back in 04'...I remember they wanted to boycott Red Tails because one of the pilot's love interest was an italian female. They wanted to effect the viewership in an effort to effect the sales just so that they could limit the exposure of these types of couples. The shyt is deeper than people think.

The same hooting and howlin was heard over that over Princess and the Frog a freaken Disney movie LOL , a lot of Black men refuse to take to daughters to see that movie... you also see a lot of Black men now trying to shame Black women over the TV Show Scandal

Google the "Wall of Shame" when black women at Brown University tried to shame the black men in interracial relationships by placing their names on a wall to embarrass them.
Again Black men use Internet and Social Media to do the shaming

I have never heard black men really got to any lengths to showcase that level of animosity. A few glares...sure I've heard of it...but all the shyt I've mentioned above? Not even in the same ball park.


Jun 21, 2012

Nope, Tariq, BM Vent, Tommy etc etc do not complain about black women dating interracially...heck they aren't even in favor of black men dating interracially. Who are we really kidding here?

And what Kerry Washington, and Zoe Salanda hate threads? You mean on the Coli? :russ: Has anyone ever threatened to boycott their movies and TV shows? Where are the websites, books, and magazine articles crowing about it? Are black men sitting home writing sad poems, and sending hate mail to them about any of this? Nope.

Like I said, a few glances in the street? Maybe...but rarely...most guys are too busy getting theirs with someone else.

The second a negro is laced up with a woman of another ethnicity yall race back to your homes in tears and start writing sad poems and having "mmm hmmm girl" discussion groups online about how supposedly all the black men are color struck and intimidated by your "natural hair."

LOL it aint even close.

And if you want to be really real....the most hate black women get about interracial from other white men. That's right, other white men. Many white men who are against BW/WM relationships are under the belief that those who do participate in it are tarnishing the reps of other white males.
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Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Stupid yes, but they still do get upset! Hell even WM get upset even though they have the most success out of all races of men when it comes to interracial dating on a global scale, and are the cause of most race mixing in history.... People are very territorial Black men are no different

The only time
nikka you from west virginia:stopitslime:


:russ: :russ: :russ:


All Star
Mar 27, 2013
Nope, Tariq, BM Vent, Tommy etc etc do not complain about black women dating interracially...heck they aren't even in favor of black men dating interracially. Who are we really kidding here?

Yes they do ESPECIALLY TOMMY , the BMVENT , Tired Black men and Field Negro CREW.... The main topic of discussion switches between Hating of Bed Wenches and Praising Non-Black women. I personally don't mind Tariq but even he talks against BWWM.
And what Kerry Washington, and Zoe Salanda hate threads? You mean on the Coli? :russ: Has anyone ever threatened to boycott their movies and TV shows? Where are the websites, books, and magazine articles crowing about it? Are black men sitting home writing sad poems, and sending hate mail to them about any of this? Nope.

The hate for Scandal and BWWM on TV is very real..... Black men are not to going to write a poem their going to write blog posts all over the Internet In addition to bytching on Youtube.

Like I said, a few glances in the street? Maybe...but rarely...most guys are too busy getting theirs with someone else.

The second a negro is laced up with a woman of another ethnicity yall race back to your homes in tears and start writing sad poems and having "mmm hmmm girl" discussion groups online about how supposedly all the black men are color struck and intimidated by your "natural hair."
LOL it aint even close.

Again there are BM crying about TV Shows and Disney IR Couples it over the Internet

And you want to be really real....the most hate black women get about interracial from other white men. That's right, other white men. Many white men who are against BW/WM relationships are under the belief that those who do are tarnishing the reps of other white males.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
sorry dude but wherever you live must be an exception. I see plenty of ww/bm couples but Black men with Asian/Latina/other non-black is rare as hell. And marriage stats will probably back me up.

What do you mean an exception? Do you mean a city where there are Latinas in large number? You live in West Virginia :heh:

Have been to places like the Bay Area or Seattle?...Black male and Asian women relationships are found there in abundance. My first GF was Asian and I have dated many others. I have stated that many times on here. In regards to Latina know NOTHING at all. Come to Houston, Dallas, or San Antonio before you start talking about what I have seen and experienced. You need to leave West Virginia before comment on something.


Jun 21, 2012
Yes they do ESPECIALLY TOMMY , the BMVENT , Tired Black men and Field Negro CREW.... The main topic of discussion switches between Hating of Bed Wenches and Praising Non-Black women. I personally don't mind Tariq but even he talks against BWWM.

No they don't. I don't follow them all, but Tommy appears to diss dark skinned women--but he doesn't endorse white women, nor does he advocate black men to marry and date white women--big difference. And I don't follow the other forums, but BlackMenVent definitely does not put white women on a pedistool while dissing black women. And Tariq DEFINITELY does not endorse black men or white women dating interracially...he's not against it either, but he would cuss you out on his show for even thinking saying it lol.

I think your mistaking people discussing interracial dating, as opposed to those who complain about it. Tariq, and BlackMenVent will discuss it....but then again they talk about interracial relationships in general...but they don't CRY about it, and complain about the lack of dating opportunities for black men and how they fell all "left out" about it, like black women do.

The hate for Scandal and BWWM on TV is very real..... Black men are not to going to write a poem their going to write blog posts all over the Internet In addition to bytching on Youtube.

THis is pure nonsense. I don't follow Scandal women utilize blogs,and bytch on youtube as addition to your sad "I am my hair" poems, predominantly black female message boards, your talk shows, news articles and TV Shows. Whenever they get in front of a camera, they bytch about doesn't matter if it was Oprah, Tyra and anyone else willing to listen. There books and movies whining about it as well. And they have even forbade black male actors from being involved in interracial relationships personally or from having them as love interests in their movies. Denzel even said he could not have a white love interest simply because of the psychological toil that it would have on his black female audience and the universe of hate mail that he would receive from black women because of it.

Like I said...yall are lying to's not even comparable.
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