Nope, Tariq, BM Vent, Tommy etc etc do not complain about black women dating interracially...heck they aren't even in favor of black men dating interracially. Who are we really kidding here?
Yes they do ESPECIALLY TOMMY , the BMVENT , Tired Black men and Field Negro CREW.... The main topic of discussion switches between Hating of Bed Wenches and Praising Non-Black women. I personally don't mind Tariq but even he talks against BWWM.
And what Kerry Washington, and Zoe Salanda hate threads? You mean on the Coli?

Has anyone ever threatened to boycott their movies and TV shows? Where are the websites, books, and magazine articles crowing about it? Are black men sitting home writing sad poems, and sending hate mail to them about any of this? Nope.
The hate for Scandal and BWWM on TV is very real..... Black men are not to going to write a poem their going to write blog posts all over the Internet In addition to bytching on Youtube.
Like I said, a few glances in the street? Maybe...but rarely...most guys are too busy getting theirs with someone else.
The second a negro is laced up with a woman of another ethnicity yall race back to your homes
in tears and start writing sad poems and having "mmm hmmm girl" discussion groups online about how supposedly all the black men are color struck and intimidated by your "natural hair."
LOL it aint even close.
Again there are BM crying about TV Shows and Disney IR Couples it over the Internet
And you want to be
really real....the most hate black women get about interracial from
other white men. That's right, other white men. Many white men who are against BW/WM relationships are under the belief that those who do are tarnishing the reps of other white males.