That 'Murdershewrote' bytch has to be THE worse female poster ever.
It supposedly has her shyt together and is living in paradise with her mythical perfect white husband, but still can't stop thinking about black men 24/7. Notice how sisterhood just goes out the window whenever a fellow female poster disagrees with her and she calls them all kinds of names - the same thing she accuses US of doing to black women! I've known a lot of c00ns like her in the past. Ironically, the very few black women I have known who are with white men and ARE happy, don't even act like this bytch at all and they're nowhere near as venomous and spiteful towards brothas and don't feel the need to shout from the rooftops 24/7.
You can always tell who the fakers are. TBH, I doubt this person is even real at all. It's probably just some anti black male fantasist living in another world they conjured up in their mind.
i gave her the benefit of the doubt til she started claiming to be a chick that she isn't.