Fast Money & Foreign Objects
be a govt troll, brehs
Feed the trolls brehs
they are not that hard to spot
chill fam, chill
be a govt troll, brehs
Feed the trolls brehs
they are not that hard to spot
The National Security Agency (NSA) is pleased to announce the establishment of a new National Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cyber Operations Program. The program is in support of the President's National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE): Building a Digital Nation and furthers the goal to broaden the pool of skilled workers capable of supporting a cyber-secure nation.
The CAE-Cyber Operations program is intended to be a deeply technical, inter-disciplinary, higher education program firmly grounded in the computer science (CS), computer engineering (CE), and/or electrical engineering (EE) disciplines, with extensive opportunities for hands-on applications via labs/exercises.
The CAE-Cyber Operations program complements the existing Centers for Academic Excellence (CAE) in Information Assurance Education (CAE-IAE) and Research (CAE-R) programs, providing a particular emphasis on technologies and techniques related to specialized cyber operations (e.g., collection, exploitation, and response), to enhance the national security posture of our Nation. These technologies and techniques are critical to intelligence, military and law enforcement organizations authorized to perform these specialized operations.
For information on the Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education and Research, please visit the Information Assurance section of our web site.
these niccas ain't paid. They wish they're paid. A troll like twism just posts his barack sh1t for free. That nicca been dropping barack articles since 2006 on sohh. If I were paid maybe I'd pretend to believe that liberal crap..
@thekingsmen is a paid troll for Natural News. The op probably is too.
Lol@how you consistently take internet jokes dead seriously.Wow VVD, You really must be paranoid cause you assume I was going to call your name out in here, you jumped my name up. I look on the site and like some the articles but being paid...
Lol...what do you do for a living? I'm pretty sure I have a better job than you and an overall better quality of life.I have a regular job homie. You on the other hand troll for free because no one would be such a dumbass to pay you to do something you do best.
NaturalNews (formerly Newstarget) is a website operated by Mike Adams. It is dedicated to alternative medicine and various conspiracy theories, such as "chemtrails",[2] the alleged dangers of fluoride in drinking water, (as well as those of monosodium glutamate and aspartame) andalleged health problems caused by "toxic" ingredients in vaccines, including the now-discredited link to autism.
It features guest authors such as anti-vaccinationist Joseph Mercola, and anti-vaccinationist andconspiracy theorist Jon Rappoport, and has featured interviews with Russell Blaylock, Sandor Katz, and others. It defends Andrew Wakefield's fraudulent 1998 study linking autism to vaccinations, is outspoken against gun control,Transportation Security Administration screening procedures, and genetically modified organisms, and claims that CT scans and mammograms cause cancer. It claims that amalgam fillings are dangerous and need to be removed and defends Scientology, but its primary purpose is the promotion of alternative medicine and (often controversial) nutrition claims.
A 2013 article in the Los Angeles Times on conspiracy theories about the 2012 Aurora shootingmentioned a NaturalNews article by Jon Rappoport outlining such a conspiracy theory.[3]
Yeah, I don't doubt the government is propandistically active throughout cyberspace in some capacity.Hardly trolling, nor promoting sites. But just trying to make people aware things like this do happen. Someone already mentioned the Samsung incident.
I don't gain anything out of this except maybe a smoother internet experience and further proof not to dive in head first believing something cats going over the top promoting/shooting anything down with the quickness.
I mean, what is there to possibly gain by swaying people's opinions?
Lol@how you consistently take internet jokes dead seriously.
I'm sure your lack of ability to detect cues of intent and overall general lack of emotional intelligence is a great hindrance in many aspects of your life.
I joked about you being a paid troll. But sadly, you REALLY probably think I'm one.![]()
Lol...what do you do for a living? I'm pretty sure I have a better job than you and an overall better quality of life.