The Soviet Union's expansionism, attempts to control nations in its sphere of influence, and even what could be considered imperialist adventuring pales in comparison to the nations of the guys act like the Soviet Union did not exist.
They did the same shyt as the United States.
You don't seem to have even a child's grasp of just how much of the world Western Europe and the United States held/holds under colonialism or neocolonialism over the last couple of centuries. The USSR never did anything close, and much of their explicit attempts at control were for the genuine benefit of the nation without the exploitation of the labor of that country, or exploitation of resources.
That isn't to say the USSR was perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination would I make that claim, but the USSR also is not the only example of socialism or a push toward communism by a nation, nor are many of the tropes I'm sure you believe about it, accurate.