Paul Robeson was a communist, too. Fought for civil rights but rarely mentioned because there is a push for capitalism
One of the greatest men in American history.
It's crazy how terrified the American system is of socialism, they will NOT allow a single American hero to be socialist in our education system.
Hellen Keller was a hardcore communist and revolved her life around the are taught all about her but the communist part is always left out or quickly glossed over.
MLK Jr. was a committed socialist and are taught he's the greatest Black American hero, but his socialism is always left out or quickly glossed over.
Albert Einstein is the most famous scientist ever and propped up as one of the most intelligent men ever....but his socialism is never talked about.
Paul Robeson was one of the greatest Renaissance men ever....totally ignored in history classes because he was too overtly socialist.
Same goes for Mark Twain, W.E.B. DuBois, Dorothy Day, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, A. Phillip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, George Orwell, Jack London, James Baldwin, Angela Davis, Oscar Romero, Nelson Mandela.....they either don't teach about them, or where they have to teach about them, they conveniently forget that socialism was among their guiding beliefs. Or, like Malcolm X, Huey Newton, Fred Hampton, they make them out as some scary villains.
The average person educated in the American system doesn't have a fukking clue how prominent socialist thought has been or how many of their historical heroes were sympathetic to it.