You desire substantially less government control of economic activity and somewhat less government control over personal activity than is presently the case in the U.S. This makes you a moderate libertarian with conservative tendencies.
These are exciting times for right-libertarians. Ron Paul has gotten an incredible amount of traction and attention compared to his run as a Libertarian and 1988. He is not going to win the Republican nomination, but he has recreated the niche for right-libertarians within the Republican Party. Do you have the patience to work within the Republican Party to actually take advantage of his foothold? You might want to get involved in your local GOP committees and get involved in Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty. (If you find the Ron Paul is too radical for your taste, do listen to his son Rand, who is more of a Republican team player.)
On the other hand, if you want someone to support this November, the Libertarian Party actually has a presidential candidate qualified for the office: former governor Gary Johnson. He is not the world's most charismatic speaker, but his program is on the edge of feasible, and his resume is impressive. The press likes him and would take him seriously if libertarians (broadly defined) would enthusiastically support his campaign.
Finally, if neither of these options are to your taste, or if both options fizzle, there is my proposed new party.
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