The black population in Los Angeles peaked in the 1970s at 17%
Even in 1990 there was only 488K blacks
Even in 1990 there was only 488K blacks
Los Angeles County
Decreases in percentages due to the influx of Hispanics is not really black flight.
Bro, I give FACTS.
I did a little digging. From 1970-2010, LA's black population declined about 27.5%.
LA's Black Population
1970: 503,606 (17.9%)
1980: 505,210 (17.0%)
1990: 487,674 (14.0%)
2000: 415,195 (11.24%)
2010: 365,118 (9.8%)
(Source: & 2010 Census)
I don't know how the actual "feel" of these areas has changed, but statistically a lot of the black West Coast areas you hear about back east aren't so "black" anymore. I'm thinking of places like South LA, Inglewood, and Compton. They still have substantial black populations, but I see them as more of most midwestern cities in 1950s vs most midwestern cities today. Still large populations, to be sure; however, they're nowhere near as large as they were in their heyday. It seems Bla
Read more: shows up for me
The 2010 numbers are lower than the 2015 number, you idiot.Said the population is below 300K for Los Angles City but is referencing 2010 numbers that said 365K and has posted no 2015 guesstimates.
The 2010 numbers are lower in 2015.
Again, the black population in los Angeles in 2015 is below 300, 000.
Why is that hard to understand?
Have you even been to cali?
Said the population is below 300K for Los Angles City but is referencing 2010 numbers that said 365K and has posted no 2015 guesstimates.
The census for 2015 hasn't been done yet.Point me to the source for 2015 and not your word.
And yes, have family there.
The only thing running blacks outta California is the rising cost of living and the lack of jobs.
A lot of blacks started leaving after the riots in 1992.
The most recent source that I came across was 2010.The study states the black population in Los Angeles was at 400, 000+ in 2010.Keep in mind the population has been on the decline since the 80's; therefore, it would be much lower now.So there is no source because the Census hasn't been done but references were still made to 2015 numbers without one and is using your own inferences for guesting the future.
And to quote my first post in this thread.
Already been said why blacks are leaving.
A LOT of Mexicans in California identify as "NK" which stands for Nigger Killer
It's a mexican world for ****** they call black people.
If you see a maxican say or write "NK" that means ****** Killer.