Maybe you just don't want to accept the fact that these bean dippers aren't the friends of black people. Intact, they will go out their way to show whitey that they believe they're better than black folks.Yea young, you, so I'mma let you have it.
how much time have you spent in Los AngelesBut they are two different worlds.
Things in los Angeles change on a daily basis;therefore, you would have to be there inoder to know what's crackin in the streets. I just left Los Angeles last week.As a result, I know whats going on with black people out there.
I have a house on both much time have you spent in Los Angeles
Maybe you just don't want to accept the fact that these bean dipper aren't the friends of bkack people. Intact, they will go out their way to show whitey that they believe they're better than black folks.
Don't worry, I'm not saying you can't fetish over your toco eating girlfriend, I'm just saying they see you as a criminal,no different than whites.
Nope.Were not in the same situation.Yea, you completely missed the point.
Y'all worried about who is racist while we're literally in the same situation, fighting for fukking scraps. Dudes are in a race to the bottom, even if they win, they lose (goes for both sides).
Much bigger issue.
Motherfukkers still glorifying this hood mentality in 2015.
Nah nah its the hatred we get from Latino gang members who's presence all over l.a has frightened us out of every corner of the city. Yes sarcasmThe only thing running blacks outta California is the rising cost of living and the lack of jobs.
A lot of blacks started leaving after the riots in 1992.
I agree with EVERYTHING you said;however, Los Angeles county black population has been reduced from 1 millon back in the 90's to 200, 000 starting in 2003.Nah nah its the hatred we get from Latino gang members who's presence all over l.a has frightened us out of every corner of the city.
L.a has more black people then Atlanta. black people are moving down south and to cities we have a stronger presence in.
Latinos are not looking out for whites on the job tiP. They are looking out for latinos. Cas are giving latinos jobs because they have a large population of uneducated workers that will work minimum wage jobs.
As they rise they give one another jobs while harboring their bigoted attitudes toward black people.
On a individual level you won't see this unless you're getting serious with their daughters and trying to marry them and even then you will meet many that are warm and loving people.
With the border so close they are destined to use nepotism to take a large chunk of the city and keep the money within latinos.
we still around a million strong In la county thoughand have sectors we live in that are ripe to set up businesses in.
Nope.Were not in the same situation.
They are concered about bettering the conditions of their people, meanwhile black folks like you are too busy trying to show love to them, when they can give two fukks about your black ass in reality.
Until narrow minded black people understand that Hispanics are here to COMPETE, we will continue to lage behind them along with other racial groups interms of business development, and community development.
Mm according to the 2013 census we are 9 percent of a 10 million population in l.a county. We are just spread out and LA County is pretty fukkin huge.I agree with EVERYTHING you said;however, Los Angeles county black population has been reduced from 1 millon back in the 90's to 200, 000 starting in 2003.
This drastic reduction in the los Angeles black population resulted manily due to what you stated which was black people moving to the south.
But the other factor is the amount of abortions black los Angelinos had sice 1980.
We butchered/aborted a large portion of our population.
I apologize for the spin.Well, we were discussing gang wars, now we're talking "business development" and "community development."
Y'all love putting a spin on everyone else's argument to better fit yours. No one is showing Mexicans love, this is larger than that. I was simply pointing out that both groups (black and mexican gangs) are part of a system that has them fighting for scraps, the low-end, inner-city neighborhoods.
I can assure you, the black population in los Angeles since 2015 is below 300, 000.When you combine the entire California black population then yeah, its 2 million , but Lis Angeles has a black population below 300, 00).Mm according to the 2013 census we are 9 percent of a 10 million population in l.a county. We are just spread out and LA County is pretty fukkin huge.
Black people in l.a need skills. Trade skills and if you drive through Inglewood u see a lot of broth as just standing around outside doing nothing. It's sad Because they could just ad easily be getting these certs and mastering something that will keep bruhs pockets nice
I can assure you, the black population in los Angeles since 2015 is below 300, 000.When you combine the entire California population then yeah, its 2 million , but Lis Angeles has a black population below 300, 00).
The smart black guys in los Angeles who see what's taking place are in trade schools or college , but the ignorant pants sagging dummies will be left behind due to thier immature behavior patterns.
the black population in los Angeles since 2015 is below 300, 000
I'm not gonna argue a fact but about your 2nd point yes smart brush are getting these trades but poor people will always exist. They feed another part of the machine. In America it's never really to late if you have the duscipline to master a trade that's valuable to the economy.
Technology is it for black people.