God Emperor of SOHH
In this climate unless your a STEM major there really isnt much benefit to a liberal arts bachelors degree which is the curriculum that is the standard today in high schools. However, I know plenty of dudes making 50,000-70,000 right out of high school or a couple years after due to trades. Ive worked in a high school that was received a D or F 7 years in a row and from my experience most of the kids at the school wasnt interested in the liberal arts curriculum that was forced upon them. Couple that with the standardized testing and merit pay crap and you have a stew as to why overall minorities arent succeeding as a whole in this system.. The stats for black male graduation rates dont lie, im sure you know the numbers.
there are a lot of things wrong with what you are saying
first of all, it doesnt matter how much money a trade person makes, what does that have to do with turning a high school around?
and using your logic the school should be turned into one that focuses on STEM college curriculum
second of all the reason why kids arent interested in a liberal arts has to do with what happens after and before school, education doesnt happen just at school, it happens outside of school, so if you come from a community or cutlure that doesnt care about a liberal arts education then obviously the student isnt going to care about that either
that is what the school needs to address, so it doesnt matter if you have liberal arts or trade curriculum, that is irrelevant imo, what matters is how its presented and whether the school is addressing outside forces
third of all the reason im asking what is your basis for saying that because to say that black kids should focus on trade is racist, and if its coming from a black person its just incompetent, unless you went around and gave an aptitude test there is no way in hell you would know what a particular student is suited for
the only way turning it it into a trade school would make sense is if it is part of a school choice program where the student can choose to go their by their own choice and its part of a system of schools that have different focus areas, but to take 400 random kids and tell them to focus on trade is not a good idea
im sure you mean well and its a brainstorm, but there is no logical reason to look at that tv report and say lets skip literature and history and put them into trade school, thats just i think you should step back and think about what logical steps led you to think black kids belong in a trade, its 2013 by the way