I was being funny more than anything because AOC is his antithesis on climate and with the union workers going public with their position on him effectively walking away from BBB, he's in a leverageable spot.
They are afraid of letting progressives get too much stage time because they fear having to counter the "radical left" and "socialist" attacks the other side are going to hurl at them.
100% spot on. I think the miscalculation they make is not realizing how many non-voters or Independent types that the progressive messaging could tap into. I don't think adding in appeals to progressives would necessarily incur MORE negative partisanship (voting against a certain candidate rather than for the person you select on a ballot), mainly because even without progressives the right portrays Democrats as socialist and kowtowing to the radical left (best example of this are the multitude of threads recently about Re-Funding the police amid crime waves when the police were never defunded in most cases and the crime data shows a downtick in crime rather than an uptick...and this one's powered by neolibs almost as often as conservatives).
I think the Democrats are refusing to come around to the obvious, which is that they suck at messaging strategies regardless of the quality of policy or position they're supporting. The progressive wing has had some of the most effective messaging to their own constituents of anyone in politics. Even if it doesn't all translate, the Dems really ought to at least see if there's something to help there.
Edit: I remember Sam Seder joking that if Progressives really wanna threaten Manchin, they'd threaten to go campaign for him. He'd panic more about being connected to a Bowman or AOC than he would at them going to WV and attacking him.