Indy Wrestling Discussion Thread

Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
You don't have to root against The Bucks just because they quit TNA.

They actually just won the Chikara tag titles tonight, if anyone cares.

They're cutting costs, most likely to make up for the money they'll lose giving the next iPPV away for free.

I really need to up my Chikara game again but idk if they'll ever catch that BDK magic again.

TJ is a dikkhead? What has he done?


Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo
You don't have to root against The Bucks just because they quit TNA.

They actually just won the Chikara tag titles tonight, if anyone cares.

They're cutting costs, most likely to make up for the money they'll lose giving the next iPPV away for free.

I'm not rooting against them. I just think it's karmic that they left one company and burned their bridge on the way out for not being used the way wanted to be used, and now they won't be used at all in the company that they left for.


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
I really need to up my Chikara game again but idk if they'll ever catch that BDK magic again.

TJ is a dikkhead? What has he done?

Let's see:

2006, From the Sept. 11, 2006 edition of the Figure Four Weekly:

2. Ronin vs. Davey Richards in a tournament match. Crowd chanted "WE WANT TJ! fukk YOU RONIN!" This was supposed to be Davey vs. TJ Perkins, for those of you confused. Apparently, TJ decided he was going to show up at the building at 7:45 for an 8:00 bell time. Keep in mind they wanted everyone there at 4:00. He showed up all nonchalant, and when people told him the show started at 8:00 and it was 7:45, he said, "I always show up late." Then he went to the board and saw his name had been scratched off the line-up and replaced with Ronin. He hung his head and left the building.

2 cases documented by Greg DiMarco, who's a pretty credible source in indy circles (original source here, which also has some interesting things to say about the Young Bucks as well): Wrestling

Up next? TJ Perkins. Oh boy...

This fukking guy. Seriously...the word on Low Ki is that he takes himself too seriously—he's been called his own biggest fan and a mark for himself. This guy makes Low Ki look downright humble. Much like The Young Bucks, TJ Perkins (or TJP, or Puma) has an amazing amount of in-ring talent. More than most of the WWE, TNA or even ROH rosters. But man is he a jerk.

The southern California native recently moved to Florida in hopes of getting more bookings and possible catching on in TNA or FCW. Well, none of those things happened. He got work in FIP, but that soon dried up when the promotion became a joke. Gabe Sapolsky booked him in Evolve and Dragon Gate USA, but that didn't last long. Once that was over, he got a shot in ROH. That didn't work. He did tryout with TNA and FCW. How did that work out? Well, he's back in southern California hoping to get indy work and is seemingly getting another shot in ROH.

So what's wrong with him? In 2007 I was backstage at an NWA show in Phoenix. TJ Perkins was booked as Puma against SoCal veteran Disco Machine (this was their idea of booking more "lucha guys" by the way). Watching them prepare backstage was hilarious. Disco Machine is a respected veteran who has great technical skills and knows how to work a crowd. As they were discussing their match, TJ would constantly interrupt his opponent, making three suggestions for himself to every one suggestion that Disco made. And Disco was focusing on the match—getting it over with the fans. TJ? He was focused on getting his shyt in. All of his shyt. When they were finally done, TJ turned around and walked away. Disco stood there, shaking his head in disgust.

Recently he's taken Gabe Sapolsky to task for making him ride in a ring truck to various cities to compete for his promotions. I'm sure Gabe should apologize for giving him free transportation. He also said he was promised pay increases that never came. Now, promoters can be sketchy, but I've never heard this about Gabe. Wrestlers are lining up to work for Gabe, and TJ is begging for bookings. (Epic's Note: He also had a radio interview where he publicly trashed Gabe for not paying him enough for working EVOLVE and DGUSA in 2010. He was promptly dropped from those rosters.)

But then TJ Perkins crossed the line, when he talked shyt about Buggy. You read that right...he talked shyt about BUGGY! Not a good idea. (Epic's Note: For those of you who don't/didn't watch NWA Championship Wrestling From Hollywood, Buggy is a female wrestler, and was the centerpiece of the division despite there being much better wrestlers around her. She sucks, basically, so I have no idea what this is about.) If you listened to this week's edition of The Greg DeMarco Show, you know what I had to say about that. And I meant it. TJP is a piece of shyt that is a mark for himself and isn't going to make it any further than he's made it. I hope you've saved whatever money you've made...

2011, after Chris Hero was thought to be dropped from his potential deal with WWE, Perkins had this to say (not quoting this, too long):

Could you elaborate please on Hero's assholish behaviour? | Formspring

You say indy's are crap and for good experience you need to go world wide. Chris Hero has done NOAH plenty and all over the planet. You still said he doesn't have experience. Why? I agree he's not that great, I'm just trying to understand. | Formspri

Do you think Hero will confront you on this stuff you've said? | Formspring

The comment about Japan is basically libel, since 1). Hero DID live in the NOAH dojo for 3 months in 2008 and 2). Perkins was trained by NJPW IN LA. WHILE LIVING IN A FREE CONDO IN SANTA MONICA.

The women shyt is apparently true though. Allegedly, he had heat with Ares because he caught Hero hitting on Alison Danger at a show.

Hero DID get a shot back at him, though:

theChrisHero Chris Hero
LLOL @ TJ Perkins discussing my career like hes an expert. Wrestlings youngest vet should do his homework before my name comes out his mouth
20 Dec.

But yeah, he's kind of an asshat. I still love his work, though :manny:.

Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
Let's see:

2006, From the Sept. 11, 2006 edition of the Figure Four Weekly:

2 cases documented by Greg DiMarco, who's a pretty credible source in indy circles (original source here, which also has some interesting things to say about the Young Bucks as well): Wrestling

2011, after Chris Hero was thought to be dropped from his potential deal with WWE, Perkins had this to say (not quoting this, too long):

Could you elaborate please on Hero's assholish behaviour? | Formspring

You say indy's are crap and for good experience you need to go world wide. Chris Hero has done NOAH plenty and all over the planet. You still said he doesn't have experience. Why? I agree he's not that great, I'm just trying to understand. | Formspri

Do you think Hero will confront you on this stuff you've said? | Formspring

The comment about Japan is basically libel, since 1). Hero DID live in the NOAH dojo for 3 months in 2008 and 2). Perkins was trained by NJPW IN LA. WHILE LIVING IN A FREE CONDO IN SANTA MONICA.

The women shyt is apparently true though. Allegedly, he had heat with Ares because he caught Hero hitting on Alison Danger at a show.

Hero DID get a shot back at him, though:

theChrisHero Chris Hero
LLOL @ TJ Perkins discussing my career like hes an expert. Wrestlings youngest vet should do his homework before my name comes out his mouth
20 Dec.

But yeah, he's kind of an asshat. I still love his work, though :manny:.

Didn't know all of this. I'm surprised Cornette even bothered to bring him in. I mean Cornette is quick to slap someone up. Crazy how reckless dude is though.

Miracle Violence

Animal Instinct
May 1, 2012

[EVENT]: CHIKARA.2012.06.02.Chikarasaurus.Rex.How.To.Hatch. A.Dinosaur.DVDRip.x264-RUDOS
[RELEASED]: 06.06.2012
[SIZE]: 1.74 GB
[RESOLUTION]: 704 x 400 (16:9) @ 29.970 FPS
[VIDEO]: x264 @ 1474 kbps
[AUDIO]: AAC @ 192 kbps
[LENGTH]: 149 Mins

Links are in my profile.

Miracle Violence

Animal Instinct
May 1, 2012

[EVENT]: ROH.2012.06.09.PDTV.x264-RUDOS
[RELEASED]: 06.09.2012
[AIRED]: 06.09.2012
[SIZE]: 615 MB
[RESOLUTION]: 576x432 (4:3) @ 29.970 FPS
[VIDEO]: x264 @ 1442 kbps
[AUDIO]: AAC @ 192 kbps
[LENGTH]: 50 mins

Richards vs. Edwards on this weeks episode.

Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia

:skip::pachaha::leon::ohhh::gladbron::krs::ooh: :takedat: :win: and
all in one clip.

Miracle Violence

Animal Instinct
May 1, 2012
Hollywood, CA - Nine years is a long time. Think about what you were doing nine years ago. Sitting at home, playing Sim City on Super Nintendo while listening to Stryper on your Walkman. Whatever, we're bad with dates, but that seems like something you'd be doing nine years ago. Then you know what happened? Pro Wrestling Guerrilla came along and made your life better. Now you're eagerly anticipating Sim City for PC while listening to Carly Rae Jepsen on your iPhone. The future is a magical place, and it's all thanks to Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. You're welcome.

"Oh, great and wonderful Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, how can I show you how much I appreciate all that you've given me?" you cry out from deep within your "Call Me Maybe"-induced reverie. "Easy," answers a disembodied voice, seemingly emanating from everywhere and nowhere all at one, "go to Pro Wrestling Guerrilla and order one of every DVD. And buy tickets for Threemendous III while you're at it." Without being able to identify the source of the voice, you begin speaking earnestly to your television, "I will do exactly that! A million times thank you, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla!" The voice answers once again, "No, thank you, avid fan. Without you, none of this would have been possible. Also, maybe consider laying off the drugs."

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's ninth anniversary event, Threemendous III, takes place on Saturday, July 21, 2012, at American Legion Post #308 in Reseda, CA. American Legion Post #308 is located at 7338 Canby Ave., Reseda, CA 91335. Front Row tickets are $30, and General Admission tickets are $25. Threemendous III is scheduled to feature:

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship Title Three-Way Ladder Match
Super Smash Bros. (Player Uno & Stupefied - Champions) vs. Future Shock (Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly - Challengers) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson - Challengers)

-- If the fans of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla have learned one thing in the past nine years, it is that we are globe-trotting, trend-setting bon vivants that have seen a million faces and rocked them all. If there are two things the fans have learned, it is that the word of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla Senior Official Rick Knox is law. If Pro Wrestling Guerrilla were Mega-City One, Rick Knox would not be Judge Dredd, he would be Chief Judge Rick Knox, because he is inimitable, as well as beyond reproach. Just about everyone would agree with that assessment of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's top lawman except for two men: former World Tag Team Champions Matt and Nick Jackson, The Young Bucks.

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This was on the cover of the 39-page document that arrived at the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla offices last week, hand delivered by The Young Bucks' legal counsel, Mr. Malachi Jackson, Esq. The brief detailed accusations of rampant corruption and abuses of power by the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla officials throughout the years, citing most recently the physical involvement of Rick Knox in the World Tag Team Championship Title Match against Super Smash Brothers at Death to All But Metal. Physical involvement which The Young Bucks argue played a direct result in costing them the match and the titles. The suit then went on to demand that Rick Knox be immediately removed from his position as Senior Official and suspended indefinitely, that Player Uno and Stupefied be stripped of the World Tag Team Championship titles, and that The Young Bucks be given a $100,000 cash settlement for "damages."

Since we here at Pro Wrestling Guerrilla love Rick Knox almost as much as unreasonably large sums of money, our general counsel made a counter offer to The Young Bucks: an opportunity to face the Super Smash Brothers on July 21 at Threemendous III. On behalf of The Young Bucks, Malachi Jackson, Esq. immediately accepted the rematch, and while leaving our offices, stole a water bottle, a banana, and a 6-week-old issue of Entertainment Weekly. It was at this point that we began to suspect that he was not really an attorney.

Unbeknownst to the Bucks, the Player Uno and Stupefied were originally scheduled to face Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly, Future Shock, at Threemendous III in the first title defense. However, since the last time the Bucks and Smash Bros. faced off was in a No Disqualification Match, the only way to up the ante for this rivalry was to have the first-ever three-way Ladder Match for the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship titles! Granted, we'll probably have to spend $100,000 on repairs to the building after this match, but it's better than giving it directly to The Young Bucks.

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Title Match
"Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen (Champion) vs. Willie Mack (Challenger)

-- When looking back at the first nine years of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, it is impossible to overlook the meteoric rise of World Champion "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen. Only five months after his debut he was already challenging for the World Championship. Just four months after that he successfully captured his first World Championships. From that point on, Steen climbed higher and higher in the world of professional wrestling, but managed to cast an indelible shadow on Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. Despite living 3,000 miles from Los Angeles, Kevin Steen feels most at home in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, a fact that is readily apparent to the fans in every single Kevin Steen match.

One fan that witnessed the evolution of "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen from his first match in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla to this, his third reign as World Champion, is his challenger at Threemendous III, Willie Mack. Often spotted sitting front row during the early part of Steen's Pro Wrestling Guerrilla career, Willie Mack is proof positive that hard work and dedication pay off. Sure, it might be a cliché, but that's because it's true. Willie Mack began training as a professional wrestler with one goal in mind: become Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Champion. And now he is just a single match away from matching one of the most astonishing rises Pro Wrestling Guerrilla has ever seen.

In the nineteen months since his Pro Wrestling Guerrilla debut, Willie Mack has competed in a Battle of Los Angeles, two DDT4s (reaching the finals with El Generico this year), and defeated a veritable who's who of professional wrestling: Roderick Strong, Naruki Doi, Chris Hero (twice), "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin, and perhaps most importantly, "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen. Can Willie Mack repeat the success he had against former World Champion Chris Hero and come away with a second victory over Kevin Steen, this time with the title on the line? Or will Kevin Steen prove why he is one of the most important professional wrestlers that Pro Wrestling Guerrilla has ever seen by making his third title reign his most significant yet?

Singles Match
"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. Sami Callihan

Tag Team Match
RockNES Monsters (Johnny Goodtime & Johnny Yuma) vs. Fightin' Taylor Boys (Chuck Taylor & Ryan Taylor)

Singles Match
TJ Perkins vs. Roderick Strong

Singles Match
Brian Cage vs. Eddie Edwards

Singles Match
B-Boy vs. Drake Younger

Singles Match
Famous B vs. Joey Ryan

Smash Bros vs. Future Shock vs. Young Bucks in a ladder match?



Smooth sailing from here on out...
May 14, 2012
ROH been kinda :manny: lately. They can't seem to get guys away from one another, once they start something it feels like it never ends.


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
ROH been kinda :manny: lately. They can't seem to get guys away from one another, once they start something it feels like it never ends.

This is what happens when you have a midcard that means next to nothing and is booked to be far, FAR away in importance from the main eventers.

Seriously, when was the last time a ROH midcard angle really riveted you? Lethal v. Ciampa doesn't count, because we all knew that blew.