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Jan 7, 2014
since castlevania and metriod haven't been good or relevant for 10-15 years, these types of games should be called "Bloodbornian."

Bloodborne perfected that style of gameplay to something way beyond either castlevania or metriod.

If think about it, bloodborne is the modern day Simon's quest. Except they executed all those really great ideas in SQ, which were done poorly in SQ.
May 10, 2012
Indivisible Indiegogo Campaign Launching October 5th! • Indivisible Blog

Indivisible Indiegogo Campaign Launching October 5th!

We’re excited to announce that we’ve locked the launch date for the Indivisible Indiegogo campaign!

The campaign will begin at 9:00 AM ET / 6:00 AM PT on October 5th!

Prototype distribution will begin for the general public when the campaign launches, completely free. Backers of Lab Zero’s previous Skullgirls Indiegogo campaign should receive the prototype next Friday, October 2nd, via their Humble Bundle download pages!

The prototype will only be available in English, but the campaign will be translated into French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese and Russian. We’re aiming to deliver Windows, Mac and Linux releases of the prototype, although the latter two might lag behind a little.

Feel free to post about, stream, and even share the prototype with your friends!

And for the latest Indivisible information, animated GIFs and concept art, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr!
May 10, 2012
Indivisible Indiegogo Campaign Info • Indivisible Blog

Indivisible Indiegogo Campaign Info

The Indivisible Indiegogo campaign will begin at 9:00 AM ET / 6:00 AM PT on October 5th! That’s just four days away!

Now, a lot of you are probably wondering how much we need to raise to make Indivisible a reality.

Per our agreement with 505 Games, we need to raise $1,500,000 to fund the game. However, this isn’t the actual budget for the game.

The total budget for Indivisible is $3,500,000.

If we raise our goal of $1,500,000 or more, 505 Games will provide the remaining $2,000,000 we need to complete the game. So, effectively, up to the initial goal your contribution is worth more than double.

And the more we raise beyond the initial goal, the better the game gets and the better the publishing arrangement with 505 gets for Lab Zero.

To be clear, this is not a campaign to “gauge interest” – Indivisible’s budget represents a more equitable funding split, where your support directly influences not only the game, but also the post-release benefits Lab Zero receives.

Indivisible will not happen if we don’t hit our goal. But should the campaign succeed, Lab Zero will have a better outcome than we would’ve gotten through a more traditional publishing deal – that’s the risk we took, and we feel it’s a worthwhile tradeoff.

Additionally, this represents the complete budget for our entire vision of Indivisible. If we are lucky enough to be in that situation, we will not be adding additional gameplay content to the core game as stretch goals. As such, all additional content funded through stretch goals will be released in post-release updates.

So how will this money be used?

Fortunately, it’s pretty straightforward: virtually all of the initial $1,500,000 will go into developing the game, with the exception of the 8% we need to pay Indiegogo and PayPal.

Having a publishing partner means that just about every dollar you give will go towards making the game: 505 Games will be involved in the game development and helping to fill in the gaps in other areas of production, such as QA and localization. Not only does this make budgeting easier, it frees Lab Zero up from distractions so we can focus on delivering the game.

After accounting for pre-production and ramp-up time, the full budget will support a spending rate of around $10,000/man-month – this includes employee salaries, benefits, office rent, utilities, equipment, legal costs, and all other business overhead. This is widely considered a sort of baseline average spending rate for the games industry.

We’d love to break down our budget more, but the reality is that we can only calculate these numbers roughly. Unlike fighting game characters, which have a pre-defined set of things you need to create, each area of the Indivisible will have varying amounts of environment art, characters, monsters, etc.

The Prototype
Let’s take a moment to discuss that playable prototype. Skullgirls backers are playing it now, and everyone else can grab it on Monday when the campaign launches.

We began working on the prototype in early May. Between salaries for the core Lab Zero staff, art contracting and music contracting, we spent around $250,000, which was provided by 505 Games.

We felt that in order to justify asking for so much money, we had to do more than just present an idea for the game, and give players something they could actually touch and enjoy. In addition to making an abstract game idea more concrete, it helped us figure out some important parts of our development pipeline before asking for your money.

Skullgirls Indiegogo backers have the prototype now, but everyone will be able to try it out on Monday when the campaign launches!

And for the latest Indivisible information, animated GIFs and concept art, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr!


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Indivisible Playable Prototype Progress Update • Indivisible Blog

Indivisible Playable Prototype Progress Update

The Indivisible playable prototype is nearly complete! We’re putting the finishing touches on it now, putting it through its paces with friends and polishing it up as best we can before we give it to you.

In case you forgot, the Indivisible playable prototype will be distributed completely free to everyone, whether they back the Indiegogo campaign or not. Backers of our Skullgirls Indiegogo campaign will get it a few days early, and it’ll be made available to the wider public when the campaign for Indivisible launches.

Until now, most of what we’ve shown of the game’s environments have been purely collision or “VR missions” style. We’ve been hard at work modeling, texturing and lighting the environment and are ready to show you a little more!

We’re still making adjustments to the lighting and textures, so expect the final result to look even better!
Since we last showed you how Indivisible’s battles work, we’ve made a number of additions to it. All of these new mechanics center around the addition of the Iddhi Meter, which powers magic, super attacks and blocking.

You build Iddhi by attacking, and the higher your combos, the faster your Iddhi will build.

Once you’ve built up a bar of Iddhi, you can use a character’s magic or super attack by holding L1 and pressing their attack button.

All of Ajna’s Incarnations can channel Iddhi to perform powerful attacks or feats of magic. For example, in the prototype Razmi’s Iddhi magic is a powerful healing spell, which restores a significant amount of the party’s health.

While an enemy is attacking, you can also hold a character’s button to block. Blocking drains Iddhi, but the damage reduction from a successful block is significant.

Iddhi is accumulated on a per-battle basis, but don’t worry – any you have left at the end of a battle will be converted into health automatically!

And for the latest Indivisible information, animated GIFs and concept art, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr!

Really digging the artstyle.


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
Looks good and im a big fan of Skullgirls but im not even gonna download the beta or whatever they just released if this shyt not coming out til 2018.
May 10, 2012
Ya'll realize most large games take at least two years? Most of them just aren't announced until they've been in development for a long time instead of being announced before serious development has begun.


Sep 27, 2015
Probably should actually have a separate thread for the campaign. I have tried the prototype, I actually beat it about five times now. It's really good. For anyone who has the money, please support it.