As a parent, if you rely that much on the public school system/the state, your kids dont stand a chance

This is "school to prison pipeline"conditioning. They are simply getting the kids used to those prison meals
People forget to mention parental duties when they mention the "school to prison pipeline" as if children are hatched from eggs.
When they used to air those lockup shows, I did note that the trays & the small milk cartons that inmates use looked just like the stuff that schools use.
Also, when people say "child's only meal of the day", they have to be exaggerating,right? There is public assistance in this country. People might not eat what they want to or as much as they need to, but how many people starve or are under nourished in America?
Having said all that, I get that the current adminstration is trying to be funny here....but children's health is NOTHING to be playing around with. These MFers are devils, for real.
Offer mini bagels & peanut butter if you're trying to cut costs.