India About to Give Nigeria and Venezuela that Stimulus Package


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Bruised Oil Nations Seek Solace in Fastest Growing Guzzler

Bruised Oil Nations Seek Solace in Fastest Growing Guzzler

Dhwani Pandya

Debjit Chakraborty JournoDebjit
November 23, 2016 — 3:00 PM CSTUpdated on November 24, 2016 — 4:08 AM CST
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Kachikwu: Optimistic on LNG Talks and OPEC Deal
Kachikwu: Optimistic on LNG Talks and OPEC Deal
  • Nigeria, Venezuela are among OPEC’s most hurt by the oil rout
  • Indian oil demand is forecast to double through 2040
As the oil market anxiously awaits OPEC’s decision next week, some of the countries hardest hit by the biggest price crash in a generation may have found a lifeline outside of the group.

India, the world’s fastest growing crude consumer whose appetite for fossil fuels is forecast to surge in the next two decades, will likely decide next month on whether to advance $15 billion to Nigeria for future supplies. Essar Oil Ltd., operator of India’s second-biggest refinery, has struck a $13 billion deal which may lead to the plant processing more oil from Venezuela.


With prices languishing at under $50 a barrel, about 55 percent below its 2014 peak, smaller sellers have been the most vulnerable to falling revenues. Nigeria has been pushed to the brink of its first full-year economic contraction in 25 years, while Venezuela struggles to ward off a debt default at its national oil company. Now the two crude producers are finding their own means of survival as OPEC seeks to resolve an impasse over output cuts aimed at stabilizing the market.

“Countries like Venezuela and Nigeria, reeling under financial crisis, will challenge any OPEC decision that works against their economic interests,” said Kunal Agrawal, an analyst with Bloomberg Intelligence. “These countries want to secure long-term supply contracts with the likes of India and China.”

India, which imports more than two-thirds of its oil from the Middle East and whose demand isforecast to double through 2040 to 10.3 million barrels a day, is seeking to diversify its purchases to guard against the geopolitical risks tied to the world’s biggest suppliers like Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Over 80 percent of India’s crude is imported, and with a burgeoning population and an economy projected to grow 7.4 percent next year, companies such as the U.K.’s BP Plc and Russia’s Rosneft PJSC are eyeing a piece of an oil retail market already worth $117 billion.

Rosneft has indicated it intends to process crude from its share of oil fields in Venezuela at Essar’s refinery after the Russian company’s acquisitionof the facility at Vadinar in western India. Nigerian oil minister Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu said last month that the West African nation is looking to sign a pact with the Indian government for $15 billion in advance payments for its oil in December.

Welcome Respite
“You can’t depend on one country, but you have a basket of countries from where you take,” said Mukesh Kumar Surana, chairman of India’s state-run refiner, Hindustan Petroleum Corp. “So there will be opportunities for smaller producers.”

Those deals are a welcome respite for Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria, which counts oil as its biggest foreign-exchange earner, could see its gross domestic product shrink 1.7 percent this year, according to the International Monetary Fund, its first full-year contraction since 1991. Venezuela has faced widespread shortages of food and essential products as the price of oil, which accounts for 95 percent of its foreign currency earnings, collapsed.

The Latin American nation’s state-owned oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela SA, has struggled with its finances this year after the price it receives for its exports has plummeted 63 percent from over $100 a barrel in 2014. PDVSA, as the company is known, said last month that creditors holding $2.8 billion of bonds that come due over the next year agreed to extend maturities in a highly anticipated swap that will buy the company some time.

OPEC Meeting
Its finances were thrown into doubt again this week, after JPMorgan Chase & Co. said in a report that PDVSA hadn’t fully paid coupons on bonds due 2021, 2024 and 2035. PDVSA said it has paid what’s due on the 2021 and 2024 bonds and blamed the delay on an administrative problem at Citigroup Inc. The company’s president, Eulogio Del Pino, confirmed it was using a 30-day grace period for bonds due in 2035 without saying why.

As the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries prepares to make a decision on Nov. 30, oil has rebounded about 10 percent since the middle of this month amid signs of renewed diplomatic efforts to agree on an output cut. Brent crude, the benchmark for more than half the world’s oil, traded in London at $49.08 a barrel by 6:06 p.m. Singapore time. West Texas Intermediate, the U.S. marker, was at $48.09 in New York.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is now “tactically bullish” on the likelihood of an agreement, and expects oil prices in New York to average $55 a barrel during the first half of 2017, up from previous estimates of $45 and $50 for the first and second quarters.

But for now, India may be the oil sellers’ best hope.

“We are a solvent buyer. Anyone who is in need of selling, we are in need of buying,” said Lalit Kumar Gupta, chief executive officer of Essar Oil. “Our growth is real.”
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May 19, 2012
Nothing is wrong with oil, the market is artificially suppressed by the US for political reasons. With China removing their multiple children ban and Africa has a whole advancing towards first world status consumption for oil and/or refined oil is here to stay.


Jun 22, 2014
This is not necessarily a good thing at all.
Venezuela and Nigeria are on these crippled-ISI models right now, they both need to be weaned off of their oil revenue dependency and diversify their economies, as well as remove the corruption barriers that are making their fake neo-liberal models fail so spectacularly.
India should be moving toward a green energy conversion, they have the man and brain power for it.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
This is not necessarily a good thing at all.
Venezuela and Nigeria are on these crippled-ISI models right now, they both need to be weaned off of their oil revenue dependency and diversify their economies, as well as remove the corruption barriers that are making their fake neo-liberal models fail so spectacularly.
India should be moving toward a green energy conversion, they have the man and brain power for it.

Not mad at that.


Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Jul 2, 2012
Did Venezuela just sign a $30 billion contract with china?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Nothing is wrong with oil, the market is artificially suppressed by the US for political reasons. With China removing their multiple children ban and Africa has a whole advancing towards first world status consumption for oil and/or refined oil is here to stay.

1) Except that funding your nation by selling off all your irreplaceable natural raw materials for quick cash now is a stupid move, both logically and historically.

2) Have you seen what the pollution looks like in Chinese and Indian cities? People already dying by the bucketload of all sorts of diseases that are exacerbated by that, and they're going to make it worse?

3) People who want to pretend that rising CO2 levels aren't real, or don't matter, have their heads in the sand.


May 19, 2012
1) Except that funding your nation by selling off all your irreplaceable natural raw materials for quick cash now is a stupid move, both logically and historically.

2) Have you seen what the pollution looks like in Chinese and Indian cities? People already dying by the bucketload of all sorts of diseases that are exacerbated by that, and they're going to make it worse?

3) People who want to pretend that rising CO2 levels aren't real, or don't matter, have their heads in the sand.

So what's the best way to monetize a fuel breh other than selling it in the cash markets breh? :stopitslime: There are no emissions management over there, that has nothing to do with oil's place in the world economy. C02 levels have been rising for 30 years now, unless you plan on wiping out entire populations on a global scale it's here to stay :mjpls:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
So what's the best way to monetize a fuel breh other than selling it in the cash markets breh? :stopitslime: There are no emissions management over there, that has nothing to do with oil's place in the world economy. C02 levels have been rising for 30 years now, unless you plan on wiping out entire populations on a global scale it's here to stay :mjpls:

1) The whole idea that "monetizing" your natural resources is the goal is the brainwashing crap the bro-imperialists sell you. What's the point of monetizing? Oh, to stimulate THEIR industrial machinery, pay off THEIR debts, and buy THEIR industrial products.

You don't monetize valuable, irreplaceable natural resources unless you have a clear plan for how that's the ideal move to permanently improve your country. With oil prices low, government struggling, and no clear plan, they are NOT doing it right. Use that oil to keep yourself energy independent (while you build more sustainable systems of energy independence) and keep the rest in the ground for that potential day when your future really depends on it. Meanwhile, focus on building your country, rather than selling it off.

2) China/India alone could singlehandedly change the course of history with emissions, depending on the choices they make. This isn't a pure population issue - some countries have 20x the per-person emissions of others. If we cut per-person emissions, we can support population fine. But emissions management involves many things,including using less oil. There's way more flexibility in how much and what kind of energy to use than in population size.