Ideally? No, I wouldn't give the win to Bryan. He's not good enough. They already gave him the ultimate maina moment this year and it did jack shyt for business. The guy who beats Lesnar needs to be good enough to carry the ball going into the next era. The next Cena.
The question is... is that person really out there right now. And to that I say probably not. And so Bryan becomes a more feasible choice.
He let Warrior come back... twice.
And Warrior held him up for show money.
Punk isn't a "massive" draw but he could be a "very big" one if he were to return.
Yea, a chant where the fans get to put themselves over.
You could put me in the "the chant is more over than Bryan is" camp.
HBK is one of the greatest overall talents the wrestling business has ever seen. Daniel Bryan is not even close to being a legitimate comparison yet and I doubt he ever will be.
Just because you ARE a character... doesn't mean you HAVE character.
How many faces in today's WWE would get cheered over revered legend Shawn Michaels in the ring? Bryan was.
HBK showed more promise as an IC champion than Bryan ever has as a WORLD champion.
That shouldn't even be up for debate.
Are you inferring that Bryan is in HBK's league?
Dude tried to say Bryan was never as over as HBK or Hart when he had fans actively shytting on the ROYAL RUMBLE purely because he wasn't in it. Then had fans hijack main event segments until he was in the ME of Wrestlemania. Hell, Bryan is so over his wife was in the second main event of SUMMERSLAM. Trolls don't even try to hide the fact that they're trolls on this site. Just embarrassing.
Pretty sure that has something to do with a certain McMahon making it that way.
Unless of course that was the truly the 2nd biggest match of the night to you.
It was billed as the second biggest match of the night, that's an objective fact. And the Authority only exists because of Bryan and it's only still relevant because of Bryan. HHH, Orton, and Stephanie turned heel for the first time in several years because of Bryan. When they tried to replace him with Cena and Show the fans were heckling the shyt out of that mess.Pretty sure that has something to do with a certain McMahon making it that way.
Unless of course that was the truly the 2nd biggest match of the night to you.