In Saul Do We Trust? - Homeland Season 3 Thread


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
all imma say is that if brody is not on the show that much, why do we have to be involved in his daughter's stupid sub-plot????

Only thing I like about the brody family is looking at his wife. and thats only if she is going to be getting naked.


master of reality
May 2, 2012
:lupe: @ that twist. show still has potential to be great this season.

Leo is Jobs-gang throwing that S4 out the window :smugfavre:. Is their plan really to drive around an old Camry for the rest of their lives :dahell:. Hope they drive off a cliff.

I was getting pissed at the mental hospital back and forth but I'm excited now that they will be getting back to that CIA work :krs:


Motherland funk
May 2, 2012
First 2 episodes been slow AF. But I know this show tends to have a slow build-up so I'll stick it out


May 6, 2012
Got caught up last night, and I got a few thought on this bullshyt.

- The twist was a great idea buried in poor execution. It's a great idea because Carrie and Saul working together is always entertaining, and Patinkin had me going in that last scene. But where do we start with the plotholes? All the times Carrie acted up was an act? Even in empty rooms? How about when she was talking indirectly with the terrorist liaison? Why is she bothering to make all those faces then when the only people watching was us?

And Carrie says she pulls all of the "tricks" to make sure she wasn't being followed. Now, if you're the terrorists trying to rely on turning Carrie, you'd take extra care in watching her. I mean, they picked her up after she left her fukkbuddy's house. So if they're watching her, shouldn't they have people watching the two people she's most likely to contact: her father and Saul? So it wouldn't matter how many "tricks" she pulls, there'd be someone at Saul's place watching her.

- It's a sad state of affairs when Saul and Fara playing accountants is the BEST storyline so far. Also, I've liked every Brody family scene where they have to talk about Nicholas being on the run.

- I defended Dana and Finn last season, mainly because I think the actress playing Dana is pretty damn good and the existence of Finn gave way to those epic @obarth reviews. But this shyt right here with that obvious psychopath is below Kim Bauer vs. the mountain lion status. It's not even Landry-the-serial-killer status. It's that bad. It's the worst they've done by FAR, and it's completely indefensible. It's okay to have teenagers do dumb shyt, but JFC they shouldn't get THIS much screentime, especially on a show about fukking espionage.

- Brody is proving the point that many people have said about him last season: he should've died in the bunker. The doctor (who's great BTW, more of him please) said it best: he's of no use to anyone, and everyone around him dies. He's a cockroach.

up in here

May 9, 2012
It's no coincidence that Brody is in Caracas and that's where the money is coming from, I feel like that's gotta come to fruition later in the season, maybe help redeem Brody.
exactly, the brody storline is def gonna loop back into the main story.


All Star
May 1, 2012
That was a nice curve ball they threw. I should have known that Carrie would never betray her country. That is some strong meta play at work to have her be the bait in order to lure out Bennentt and Avadi (sp?). I really don't know what's going on with Dana and that whole storyline. Jessica's bress were looking good this episode. You know that ol Mike back at it. This was a dope episode that played out really well. I was scratching my head wondering how they were going to make Carrie turn and still have the show make sense. Bravo.

Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
ya know, Homeland is fukkin killing the game right now and Brody only been in 1 episode. Crazy that this Carrie angle is literally holding down the show. it almost feels like a spin off. Unless Brody figures out how to escape that bootleg hi-rise he's "living" in I feel like all of the "Brody episodes" are gonna feel like the one he was in. Right now, the drama surrounding Carrie got me eager for each episode.

and Dana gonna her ass merked. He boyfriend is a serial killer in training.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Got caught up last night, and I got a few thought on this bullshyt.

- The twist was a great idea buried in poor execution. It's a great idea because Carrie and Saul working together is always entertaining, and Patinkin had me going in that last scene. But where do we start with the plotholes? All the times Carrie acted up was an act? Even in empty rooms? How about when she was talking indirectly with the terrorist liaison? Why is she bothering to make all those faces then when the only people watching was us?

And Carrie says she pulls all of the "tricks" to make sure she wasn't being followed. Now, if you're the terrorists trying to rely on turning Carrie, you'd take extra care in watching her. I mean, they picked her up after she left her fukkbuddy's house. So if they're watching her, shouldn't they have people watching the two people she's most likely to contact: her father and Saul? So it wouldn't matter how many "tricks" she pulls, there'd be someone at Saul's place watching her.

- It's a sad state of affairs when Saul and Fara playing accountants is the BEST storyline so far. Also, I've liked every Brody family scene where they have to talk about Nicholas being on the run.

- I defended Dana and Finn last season, mainly because I think the actress playing Dana is pretty damn good and the existence of Finn gave way to those epic @obarth reviews. But this shyt right here with that obvious psychopath is below Kim Bauer vs. the mountain lion status. It's not even Landry-the-serial-killer status. It's that bad. It's the worst they've done by FAR, and it's completely indefensible. It's okay to have teenagers do dumb shyt, but JFC they shouldn't get THIS much screentime, especially on a show about fukking espionage.

- Brody is proving the point that many people have said about him last season: he should've died in the bunker. The doctor (who's great BTW, more of him please) said it best: he's of no use to anyone, and everyone around him dies. He's a cockroach.

this is a BILLIONAIRE terrorist organization... you think they couldn't bug carrie's house and watch her when she was alone.. or maybe the CIA (who didn't know about the plan) could be watching her too.. only her and saul knew.. not anyone else..

so to anyone else who could even possibly see her, she had to be crazy... not only crazy, but off her meds.. and the writers have stated that she really did go off her meds, so she really wasn't acting too much in those scenes (the character i mean)... they also said they would coach her (claire danes) to play all of her scenes in both ways

from the showrunner......

Did Carrie really go off her meds, or just pretend to?
Carrie went off her meds because she truly believes that on them she was dulled. That part is accurate. And the fact that she’s dismayed beyond belief to have been left on that psych ward was true. But it was required. That was the part of the sacrifice that she had to make.
Thus Carrie telling Saul to f–k off when only he could hear it — it makes sense, just in a different way.
And the other part of this relief is that Saul wasn’t selling her out.
He was clearly the one who leaked the information to the committee about her having an affair with Brody (Damian Lewis) But she was aware that was going to happen. It didn’t diminish the power of it actually happening in front of a national audience. So when she’s reacting to what Saul’s saying, she’s reacting to what it really means, that this is what it feels like. You go back and watch it again. We spent a lot of time with Claire on the set making sure both [ways of viewing the story] were playing.
But then what are we to make of Carrie going to Saul’s house all agitated looking to confront him after he made that revelation?
She was going back to talk to him about it. And since she didn’t find him there and only Carrie and Saul are playing this, she has to play a role for Mira.
So Saul is the only person who knows? Dar Adal (F. Murray Abraham) is not in on this?
No. It was hatched between Saul and Carrie in the days following the CIA attack.
If Saul is the only person who knows, that still makes her position pretty vulnerable.
Correct. And it doesn’t make things entirely sanguine between them either. He’s still asking her to do more and she’s not entirely comfortable with it and it has exacted a toll on both of them.
And it was such a public shaming. Now everybody in America thinks Carrie is totally unprofessional and slutty.
They had to find a silver lining in what happened. How do they catch the people responsible? They dangle her out as bait.