goodie for they azz
It's happening everywhere a gluttony of overpriced so called high end Condos within a market with few buyers......
Atlanta...Charleston.....Panama City ....and all over are experincing the same thing
realtors just got greedy wanting to maximize profit margin by purchasing all this low priced property once the real estate marekt hit rock bottom and start upcharing these "suckers" for these high end "boxes"......and overated amenities
im fully aware of this "hustle" i was a former property manager of some high end condos...and i would see these "elitists" struggle to make lease payments on these units
one dude was subleasing his condo out to another guy.......which was a violation of our condo association agreement
tried to LIE and say the guy was his "lover"
the "lover" said NAH..IM JUST A "ROOMATE"
dude got "evicted" within a month