Brehs remember when Mr. Anderson was c/s by Austin, beat 5 world champs in a month and was supposed to be the next big star in the E
at that Roode/Aries segment.
-Putting over the title.
-Putting over the company.
-Making the title loss seem like the worst thing in the world to Roode.
Exactly, Roode played it perfectly. That belt meant everything to him, dude had a breakdown.
Other wrestlers would have came out laughing, telling jokes, and making it seem like the loss was pointless.
@ all the commits about Punk's elbow drop
Brehs remember when Mr. Anderson was c/s by Austin, beat 5 world champs in a month and was supposed to be the next big star in the E
460 replies? !
These Aces and Eights lads look like a biker gang, Hogan needs to get on the phone to SAMCRO for the GOAT crossover