I want
Tyrese Haliburton on this team
6'5" PG
- 94 touches per game for 7.5 minutes of possession time
- Only 2.5 turnovers per game
Had 412 FGM + 585 AST + 157 Fouls Drawn / 141 turnovers =
8.18 ratio up from last year's
6.1. His
8.18 ratio is better than
Brown's 6.0 and
Tatum's 6.9 this year. (I don't value AST:TOV ratio. It's too limited and you don't only get turnovers when trying to pass the ball)
Look at his
point creation to turnover ratio. He scored 1160 pts + 723 AST pts created / 141 tov =
19.13 ratio. That blows away
Brown's 12.23 and
Tatum's 14.69 this year.
This is THE guy to get. But Indy wouldn't trade him for Brown. I wouldn't if I was them. Haliburton is younger, better shooter and a better decision maker.
They would trade him for Tatum, despite Tatum being a worse decision maker and less efficient scorer. He'd be a perfect fit with Brown. He could handle the ball even better than Tatum does, make way better decisions and Brown could play off of him, get the ball in better positions to attack and kill defenses. It's a much better fit than Tatum and Brown and Indy would do it because they would be getting the better player.
This guy would be a perfect fit for the C's as a 40.8% career 3 point shooter. And he's an ideal fit with Jaylen. I think this would make the C's a better team even with losing Tatum's talent. Sometimes you gotta lose the battle to win the war.