Not trying to school you on your culture but this is just common sense. I know tons of west indians man, almost too many - the N word isn't part of their culture, which is a good thing...and it damn sure aint part of no African culture. The west indians who do use it out here grew up around black americans who outnumber them in their neighborhoods so it naturally becomes a part of their vernacular...but that's over here though...canadians can't use that excuse.
I like toronto as a city but it's a lot of fake tough guy shyt going on over there in general. I blame rap music.
I'm Dominican and I don't use it. Just out of respect.
I'm Hispanic and I say nikka all the time. I've been around black people never got called out on it. They don't mind breh. It's just at Hispanics for whatever reason. We all the same shyt at the end of the day b.
You're a fakkit. Could I become the leader of the Aryan Brotherhood because I was born in Scotland (I was)? No they'd try to kill my black ass.
Crab in a barrel c00n scum .
Anyone who uses that semantic driven "derp Afrikaners are more authentically African than diaspora blacks" talk is a cac or a Clarence Thomas level fakkit. It's about ANCESTRY and that chick's family history is rooted in white supremacist European imperialism.
I used to love Toronto till I realized this. Too many tough guys with nothing done. shyt is really safe out there.
why? i'm self made....I'm what you wish you were...BLACK!
Yeah but he's right in that most of the black people in canada are african or west indian immigrants where the word isn't part of the culture like that...that means candians who say it most likely learned it from rap music and/or movies....that's kinda corny tbh. I was over there once and heard these kids calling each other "B," shyt had me like
self made
self made? your people live in filth and you are the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. GTFOH.
After all these years im still bothered by this. I grew up with these motherfukkers and lived in predominately latino neighborhoods and although I got along with em I was never comfortable with these spics using the N word with wreckless abandonment. I still dont know where and when these nikkas got the pass to use the N word. They say it with more ferocity than them characters in Django. The barbershop I sometimes go to its latino but they cut nikka hair and the conversations are filled with every 3rd word being "nikka". Chime in on this coli latinos
I hate when Haitians use the N word. You aint black, You FRENCH!
I'm Hispanic and I say nikka all the time. I've been around black people never got called out on it. They don't mind breh. It's just at Hispanics for whatever reason. We all the same shyt at the end of the day b.
I get it now, funny. haha
Guess black folk can date any female in ya family. Or say the "s" word freely.
It's 2013, bro. Spics, chinks, crackers, ******s and kikes all use it.
Deal with it.