I'm starting to hate the gay agenda being forced upon people


May 4, 2012
I got rid of Showtime behind that mess a few years ago... There was some show that I had turned to while flipping channels, it had started with some white dude in a club talking with some other dude, and all of a sudden he sees this other nikka ice grilling him from across the club, and he dips out with the quickness... I'm like "oh yeah, son must owe him some dough or something", thinking I'm about to see a Sopranos-like beatdown. Son runs out into the alley, keeps looking behind him, and out of nowhere the dude yokes him up and pins him against the wall. I'm like "yeah, nikka, you better run them pockets" :pachaha:. The dude who was running starts copping pleas talking about "yeah, I was gonna call you, whateva, whateva" and the other cat wasn't having it. He's like, "I'm not gonna stand for this anymore" then out of nowhere, he starts slobbing dude down. I was like :damn::scusthov::wtf::huhldup: while trying to get the remote to change the channel. Showtime was canceled that night.

Showtime is owned by CBS whos owner is clearly in league with the underworld and the gay community :wrist: You always see something sweet coming out of that conglomerate.



Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
its because they want public approval. They want to feel normal because they know their behavior is not.

That's the thing though, when you have a culture where sex in general is at the forefront, EVERYONE will think that because everyone else is talking about sex, they should get to as well.

It doesn't matter whether their behaviour is normal or not. In fact, in a culture of individualism where everyone wants to stand out and be different from the rest, it benefits them to be as unique as possible. People are putting their business out there because they desperately want to be seen. Look at social networking, look at worldstar, look at reality TV.

People opened a pandora's box when they said "hey lets stop being so uptight about sex" in other countries where you won't see viagra or birth control ads, gays are much more silent about their lifestyle. Its almost like an exclusive club for them over there. The way gays feel about straightness being paraded around on TV is the way that straight people would feel about gayness being paraded around. We either have to just accept that they're going to be showing everyone their business like that or we need to become more conservative when it comes to sex and keep that shyt on the internet.