I started this gangsta sh-
if i slept with 100 women, do you actually think i'll just stop and just sleep with 1 for the rest of my life? thats 100 women ill always have a connection to and a whims end can get in them drawls
all i know is hopping from vagina to vagina
its amazing for everything else in life people do their due dilligence.
People buy a house, they get a inspector to thoroughly check it out. They get their realtor to make sure no one was killed there or it was a previous grow op.
People buy a car, they get the carfax, they get the mechanic to check it out.
People apply for a job they check out the company beforehand and have to give references.
In college people look up their major, how much they should expect to get paid do research on it.
But when they date, when they Marry its the past is the past, don't dig into the past it doesn't matter
who cares if the house was a grow up, had mold, and 2 people got killed in a home invasion slaying the past is the pastas long as it looks nice today
who cares if the car was in accident and rebuilt, was a rental car the past is the past rightas long as it looks nice today
but oh someone your going to marry and hopefully spend the rest of your life with bah humbug, who cares as long as that nikka dont have a std now i dont care if he slept with 100 women in the past.
As someone who has slept with that many women, let me tell you... that is not the case.
Cheating is a symptom of two archtypes.. Liars, and those who lack willpower.
People with no willpower are easy to spot because they are addicted to other things in their everyday lives.
Drugs, attention, food, whatever it may be they are unable to give up their habit.
If a person can't quit smoking or quit overeating, or can't go a day without their phone, why would you think they can quit having sex with other people? They are all just gratification vices.
As for liars... Cheating is no different than any other form of lying.
The only reason you would need to lie to another person is if that person holds a power over you. i.e. Your boss when you are late to work, your teacher when you skipped an assignment, etc.
If you have mastery of yourself you have no need to lie to women.
Married people, people with kids, joint bank accounts, shared friends... these are people that sneak around because they have put themselves in a scenero where they can't kick their habit (no willpower) but can't be open about it due to the consequences.

I would absolutely be faithful to a woman if I told her that I would, otherwise why even tell her that?
She holds no power over me.
I have been in solid relationships, but she/they know if I go on tour I may elect to have sex because I enjoy sex. If the girls on tour ask I tell them I have a girlfriend or girlfriends at home. I'm not lying to anyone cause I haven't backed myself into a corner where I need to. One of the reasons men cheat is that women trap them in engagements, marraiges, or other types of relationships where it becomes inconsiderable that they simply talk to you about what is going on.
My actual girlfriend knows if she asks me anything I'll tell her, and she knows not to ask if she doesn't want the truth. She knows if I don't want to tell her something or don't feel like its any of her business I'll tell her that instead. But I wouldn't lie to her. She also knows if she lies to me for any reason and I discover it, we are through. I don't like liars, because I'm telling her the truth so I expect the same.
Plus, having sex with other women is no reflection of not being commited. Under most circumstances the women I regularly had sex with all knew one another, and would decide as a group whether it was okay for me to sleep with a new person. I am exposing them to one another anyway, and they are all important to me, why would I hide them from each other? I never understand watching people do that.
If you look at the posts in threads like these you will note that its all the secrecy and deceptions that really bother the involved parties, not so much the sex.
A person that will cheat on you is simply an untrustworthy person. Period.
If you find a trustworthy person they will be honest with you. Its really that simple.
How many people they have had sex with is not a factor under those circumstances.