Antwon Mitchell
.Post one example of what you think is Fat Joe saying the word "Niqqer" with the hard ER.
That's like how a redneck would say it. Like how Tarintino says it.
I've only ever heard him say it like all the other MCs out there.
No Black artist is out here casually throwing around the hard er word and culture or not, Joe is NOT Black so he doesn't have the right nor the pull to be using the n-word whether it's with the a or er at the end.
Regardless of culture or being from NYC doesn't automatically give the man a pass. That's just a naive way of thinking and ppl who let that slide and think nothing of it are just clowns. If you'd let this man call you the hard er all because of his ties to Hip-Hop culture then you're crazy.
His first flagrant offense