It's not semantics. You're clearly are misusing the word "native". It's not my fault that you're no good at expressing yourself.
Yes you are playing semantics. Native is used, in my recollection, to those who originate in an area not those who emigrated from another country to immigrate to another.
Hence why we call native americans "native" and not whites and blacks. I express myself perfectly thank you.
a. Being such by birth or origin: a native Scot.
b. Being a member of the original inhabitants of a particular place.
c. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of such inhabitants: native dress; the native diet of Polynesia.
d. Being one's own because of the place or circumstances of one's birth:our native land.
2. Originating, growing, or produced in a certain place or region; indigenous:a plant native to Asia.
3. Occurring in nature pure or uncombined with other substances: native copper.
4. Existing in or belonging to one by nature; innate: her native intelligence.
5. Natural, unaltered, or unadorned: native beauty.
6. Biochemistry Of or relating to the naturally occurring conformation of a macromolecule, such as a protein.
7. Archaic Closely related, as by birth or race.
a. One born in or connected with a place by birth: a native of Scotland now living in the United States.
b. One of the original inhabitants or lifelong residents of a place.
2. An animal or plant that originated in a particular place or region.
A word can have multiple definitions, and depending on context the definition can differ. You are trying to discredit me due to use of the word when it is clear on which I am using it what I was alluding to. It is moreso your lack of comprehension skills than my inability to express myself-excluding typos- so shut up.
Afro-germans have ancestry that originate in africa (in varying degrees) but there is not a black ethnic group that originate in Germany/europe as far as I know. Recent Immigrants and their descendants are not native to Germany anymore than whites are native to North America despite living here over 5 centuries.