I'm Experiencing Covert Racism at Work. These mfs are Sneaky.


Someday, We'll All Be Free
Mar 17, 2022
The Abyss
I'm not the type to cry racism every time something doesn't go my way in a white work environment. As I've mentioned before, I'm a quiet guy at work. Food industry. A top 3 worker there. The other 2 are in management. I'm the only black male there. I've been here for a little over a year. I work in the back of house.

Check this shyt out. The GM has spoken to me twice about a promotion onto the leadership team. I told him that I'm interested. This was back in March. I've heard no word from him since. I had a woman who was in leadership (Black). I was really cool with her. She ended up moving to another state but she saw I was leadership material and put in a word for me with the managers before she left and even started to train me in a few areas so I could be ready for a potential promotion. Black women really do look out for us man. :wow:

In my area, there is only one spot I'm not sufficiently trained in. I told her this so she went to a member of the leadership team and told him that he should train me in that specific area. This mf said "well we have enough people trained in this area already so it's not really necessary to have Hathaway up here". :what:

To be in leadership, you have to be trained in all areas. Everybody knows I'm the one guy out of everybody there who is deserving of the promotion. Them lil cac teenagers be asking me all the time "wow man I can't believe you're not a Leader. I actually thought you were one". But he won't let me train up there. Instead, they keep me in the same 2 areas of which I am the best in the entire store. They've even approached me last week about being the Lead Trainer for the back of house area. I've already trained 5 people so far. No pay raise for that shyt though.:francis:

They've also been moving me up to the front of house in customer service once a week and the GM commented how he loved my professionalism with the customers. I've been working in customer service practically all of my work life outside of factory jobs so this shyt was a breeze for me.

So today, the manager of Catering and Deliveries came to me randomly and asked me if I would be interested in running a big delivery for her because they were shorthanded. I said absolutely. She prepped me through the entire process and it was easy money. A simple $350.00 catering order at a hospital. No sweat right? She came up to me 15 minutes later and said she talked to the Leader, the same cac who denied me before, and he said "Hathaway is my strongest person in the back. I'm not comfortable with him leaving us for an hour to make the delivery."

Ain't this bout a bytch:gucci:
It's a mf Tuesday morning. We are slow on Tuesdays and it's not like they didn't have capable people there to fill in for me while I was out. Nobody there is better than me so no matter what, it's gonna be a huge void in my absence. Besides, I trained 2 of the cacs there so I would trust them to hold that shyt down until I got back.
So I stepped to this mf, non aggressively, might I add, you know how they are.:comeon:

I was straight up. I said "Listen man, you know I've been trying to move up and me getting this opportunity to run this Catering order will open up opportunities for me when they see how efficient I am in handling this. I'll only be gone for an hour max, you don't think ya'll can handle this for an hour while I'm out?" He just said plainly, "I understand but we just don't have the people strong enough to fill in bro, I'm sorry".
Nah mf, I'm sorry. :snoop:

I'm telling ya'll. That was bullshyt. They absolutely had the people. On my break, I called my wife to vent about this shyt. I told her these mfs being real shady about this shyt but I didn't wanna call it racism. She was like nah nikka, them mfs tryna sabotage you. She's worked in the food industry all of her life at all levels, the bottom to corporate and as a black woman, she recognizes the passive aggressive ways these white people will try and keep you in the same spot while praising your hard work even though you are deserving of a promotion/pay raise.

They don't want to see you amongst their ranks. Its a threat to them. They have black women in leadership here. 2 of them, but check this shyt out. Both of them mfs mixed. And mixed to the point where you can't tell they're mixed. One of em in her early 20's and she looks like a white girl and even speaks with a "valley girl" dialect. The other is mixed with German and Black but she look like a....I can't describe her ass. She got reddish brown hair. It's weird af. The rest of the managers are white males and females in their 40's or older.

I'm so tired of this shyt. These cacs play this game so well. They got this system down to a mf T. It's damn near admirable how well they keep this shyt going on the low. How inconspicuous they are with it. The last time these bytches had a Black man in leadership was 2014 and that mf was a "Carlton" type.

I'm done.
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The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
yeah this why our fathers used to come home angry all the time.

this is the "chip on your shoulder" thing others throw shade on us about. the black man is the biggest threat

in the so called meritocracy

sorry bro, hope you can get whats owed to you. stay strong

Peter Popoff

AKA Petty Pimpiń..🤑
Dec 25, 2012
Brooklyn, Texas
Put your resume out there, take on a shytload of responsibilities and bounce without a 2 week notice once the other job hires. Move greasy and silent like lasagne. Speaking from experience. I love to absorb and learn everything and try to have an advantage.

Amerikan Melanin

Dec 16, 2014
Bro is this a grocery store? Restaurant?

Either way you are failing yourself. You should not be in TheColi venting you should be putting in applications to different companies and finding what other opportunities are out there. You don’t let NO MAN CAC or not CAC hold you back. The fukk?!! You as a man gotta go to another man to ask for a deserved promotion?

I don’t care if you got felonies breh. There are other opportunities out there. Bet on yourself. Tell your wife you gotta make a move. Call the black woman who left and pick her brain if possible she may know another spot that’s hiring or a course you need to take.

I HATE seeing brothers trapped in bullshyt jobs.


Someday, We'll All Be Free
Mar 17, 2022
The Abyss
yeah this why our fathers used to come home angry all the time.

this is the "chip on your shoulder" thing others throw shade on us about. the black man is the biggest threat

in the so called meritocracy

sorry bro, hope you can get whats owed to you. stay strong
I'm understanding it more now as a father myself. It's degrading being there in the same position, doing more work than my peers. Coming in early, doing more than what's asked of me. It's infuriating watching them promote these little white women whom have been there for 6 fukking months doing half the work I've been doing..


Someday, We'll All Be Free
Mar 17, 2022
The Abyss
Bro is this a grocery store? Restaurant?

Either way you are failing yourself. You should not be in TheColi venting you should be putting in applications to different companies and finding what other opportunities are out there. You don’t let NO MAN CAC or not CAC hold you back. The fukk?!! You as a man gotta go to another man to ask for a deserved promotion?

I don’t care if you got felonies breh. There are other opportunities out there. Bet on yourself. Tell your wife you gotta make a move. Call the black woman who left and pick her brain if possible she may know another spot that’s hiring or a course you need to take.

I HATE seeing brothers trapped in bullshyt jobs.
Yeah, it's not that simple when you have a family to support my nikka. Stability is crucial when raising a family and I make good money here. Plus this is the only job I could get that would work with me and my wife's difficult schedules. Everything else around here is either factory jobs or worse. Trust me, I've explored every avenue.


Someday, We'll All Be Free
Mar 17, 2022
The Abyss
Put your resume out there, take on a shytload of responsibilities and bounce without a 2 week notice once the other job hires. Move greasy and silent like lasagne. Speaking from experience. I love to absorb and learn everything and try to have an advantage.
I literally cannot take on more responsibilities then I have right now. I can't just leave. It's good money.

Amerikan Melanin

Dec 16, 2014
Yeah, it's not that simple when you have a family to support my nikka. Stability is crucial when raising a family and I make good money here. Plus this is the only job I could get that would work with me and my wife's difficult schedules. Everything else around here is either factory jobs or worse. Trust me, I've explored every avenue.

NO you havent explored ever avenue you defeatist sounding negro. You really just pissed me off cause you making excuses instead of taking action. You on the Coli crying while CACs blatantly shyt on you.

What town are you in?

Do you have a side hustle? You have 3-4 hours a day to make money on the side?

Are you in online school? You have 2-3 hours a day to take online courses?

Trade school?


Union apprenticeship?

Army national guard on the weekends?

Cut grass on the side?

Start YOUR OWN catering business?

Do you have a LinkedIn?

You making excuses fam. You better not be getting shytted on by CACs and have time for video games at home.

Peter Popoff

AKA Petty Pimpiń..🤑
Dec 25, 2012
Brooklyn, Texas
I literally cannot take on more responsibilities then I have right now. I can't just leave. It's good money.
Not saying leave. Just have options. Take on other task when the other options open up then just stop showing up and send the cac boss an "I quit" text. He'll be aight.

Peter Popoff

AKA Petty Pimpiń..🤑
Dec 25, 2012
Brooklyn, Texas
Yeah, it's not that simple when you have a family to support my nikka. Stability is crucial when raising a family and I make good money here. Plus this is the only job I could get that would work with me and my wife's difficult schedules. Everything else around here is either factory jobs or worse. Trust me, I've explored every avenue.
Ah ok, I gotcha. It's not easy. I felt like that before I got my bachelor's. Being in that situation, motivated me to go back and finish school; to avoid glass ceilings. Once jobs see you have options, they're way less lenient if you're valuable.