I'm Developing a Sci-Fi/Survival Game. Want Your thoughts. (Coli easter egg in game)


Aug 5, 2012
This is dope it reminds be of lost planet a bit is there going to be combat in the game?

Appreciate the support... Yeah, there will be combat in the game. What I envision is being able to manipulate a situation to get what you want. For example, a group of galactic thugs huddled around a fire, and you can A.) either trade with them for supplies or just to get cozy next to the fire, or B.) Chop every one down and take what they have.

Looks really good, well done so far. What are the player objectives?
The player objective so far is purposely left ambiguous. Like, I really enjoy the sense of aimlessness when the player first drops into the game and doesn't neccesarily know what the big picture is --- not at first. What he/she does know off the bat is that they must eat, sleep and drink to continue on. To continue where is entirely up to you. I want to have it where the player sort of gives himself purpose. For example, like trying to get into "EXLORER-1", that gigantic ass crashed ship piece, or finding a way to get off the planet... Or even becoming the head of a criminal group. Not all of these elements will necessarily be in the game, but the type of game design philosophy I follow is that my games will always end when you want them to, on your terms. Whatever goal you reach, that will be the end.
You should find a way to reference :dahell:

Like including his face on a poster somewhere or in a computer file that the character hacks...
put #GMB scrawled in graffiti somewhere in one of the interiors

This take place on earth? The snowy environment, light environmental puzzle with that outpost(that a save point?) seemed cool. Ambiance is nice too. Easter egg was brazen asf lol

Was surprised to see elements of character maintenance with that 'you feel thirsty' line; I thought character was an android.

What's the plot breh? @Legend

I may just hold a poll on TheColi to determine what easter egg will be in the game... I think it would be a great idea to have everyone vote on what it should be... I may even think about putting a coli member in the game as a space thug or something.

This is dope. You do this by yourself?

I love sci-fi games so I would like to know, more. I think the character should be able to run a little bit more before getting tired. Unless the suit is heavy.
I appreciate the constructive criticism. I've wrestled with the balance of walking and running since I started designing the game. I feel like I'm closer to a balance, but I do agree he gets tired a bit too fast. What I want to prevent is being able to run forever because a lot of minute details will fly right by the player, and I want to inspire exploration, especially in the small crevices of areas. When you are running, most likely you already have a visual of where you want to go, and you might miss things in your peripheral, so walking kind of gives you time to say "Hold on, what's that?"

Also, running will drain your thirst and sleep faster, so in a way, it's saving the player energy if he walks when called for. Oh and yeah, I'm creating everything myself.

Damn you're using the Blender Game engine. I didn't think it was a viable engine to use for serious games. Cool.

Edit: Is there a reason you're using this instead of Unity?

Ahh, so you know of blender?? Cool shyt. I've been using blender over 8 years of my life. Blender is all I know. My first love when it came to creating games. It taught me everything I know about programming, animation, modeling and texturing. If for no other reason, I use it out of loyalty. But to answer your edit, I dabbled around (and still) do with a couple game engines. I've messed with Amazon Lumberyard and even made some tutorials about it on my channel. It's the newest engine out, but its based on CryEngine.... Then I messed around with Unreal Engine 4, which has the greatest potential for me to transition over to, and I think I will inevitably migrate to that engine if and when a game of mine becomes successful online. I told myself if my games began making serious money, then yeah, I will likely continue my career in UE4. Until then, i simply don't have the time to learn the ins and outs of the software right now.

CryEngine is buggy and undocumented as hell. Not alot of indepth tutorials about a whole lot of useful stuff, and requires heavy programming. And finally, with Unity 5, my greatest (and only) gripe was that the game has to be entirely programmed manually. I do know how to program, but with Python only, and Unity uses C#. One thing Blender and UE4 has over unity is that they don't require hardcore programming, they have visual scripting built in the design.

Thank you all for the support, I really appreciate it coli fam.


Just end the season.
May 1, 2012
I assume the game is in its early stages, but the camera seemed a little janky in its movements. I think it needs to be smoother or pulled out a bit. I really like the cel shaded graphics you used and the ambiance is top notch. Look forward to seeing more.


Boosie the GOAT
Jun 23, 2014
All right, so I've pretty much been making games my whole life, but have only gotten better and more serious as I got older. I'm trying to create something worthwhile to sell someday on steam, or other online platform. Any way, this is my progress so far... I put a lil' Coli easter egg to prove it is legit my creation. Wanna know what you think...

Looks dope breh
Didn't see the Easter egg

But you Pawgin in real life & games :mjgrin:


Aug 5, 2012
I will have an updated version of the game soon, showing off new player model and inventory system. Also a new easter egg.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
thought the easter egg was gonna be a bit more subtle but:salute:

there is already more gameplay than no man's sky:bryan:




Aug 5, 2012
I will have a new video with updated gameplay soon. Also, the reveal of a new coli Easter egg. I've been hard at work and should have something soon.