He’s been collecting donations since 2011, it’s 2018. That’s 7 years.1. A $25 pizza might take 7 hours a $5 million school might take 7(3-4) years.(...It hasn't even been 7 years)
2. Did you even chip in any money for the pizza?(Yes I've been at 2-3day events with food runners, and shyt can close down to where you have to wait until it opens again)
3. The feasibility of the purchase is on those people who gave money to be convinced of.(I wouldn't buy a time share but I'm not shytting on anyone who does or sales them)
4. Did you even chip in any money for the school?(Matter a fact where are all these complaining people who gave money that can't get it back when they asked. Tho it was a donation so...)
5. Without the financial/enrollment data of the last say ...5 years of St. Paul’s operations everything else you said is essentially empty assertions.(you have little to base your comparisons on)
[uh-sur-shuh n]
1. a positive statement or declaration, often without support or reason:
a mere assertion; an unwarranted assertion.
2. an act of asserting.
- the definition of assertion
Enrollment data of colleges is public knowledge. You could google that much. But you’d rather keep your head in the sand.
Plenty of people that donated, have the same opinion as I. What do you say to them? Again you can easily do your googles and find disgruntled tales donators, but you won’t because you’d rather keep your head in the sand.