When was this?
Post a link to that thread please
I don't respond to that other poster for reasons that have nothing to do with flat earth, but you never stumped me on anything my guy

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When was this?
Post a link to that thread please
I don't respond to that other poster for reasons that have nothing to do with flat earth, but you never stumped me on anything my guy
That dude posted a mathematical formula and didn't bother posting the observer height or atmospheric refraction....SOMETHING ALL CURVE CALCULATORS ACCOUNT FOR, then declared ALL the calculators supported his answer. Also, the "8 inches per mile squared" rule only works for 100 miles or less as an approximation, so there's no way it would work on an object 200 miles away!!!!
If you believe in low-earth orbit then everybody inside the ship can look out the window and see the earth is roundAs I said before, low-earth orbit is a concept that I'm not against
If you believe in low-earth orbit then everybody inside the ship can look out the window and see the earth is round![]()
I’m not fully convinced humans built the pyramidsWhy is there a statue of liberty in the middle of Vegas?
Humans build shyt, we of course have no records of those times so we can only speculate what they were used for but humans building big shyt is nothing new and nothing mysterious.
Ayo manYou can literally see the curvature no homo in the images
Clear demonstration and textbook definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Only thing that makes sense.![]()
Dude "believes" in LEO, but discounts footage from the ISS
Make it make sense dog![]()
AyoIf the earth was flat #catset would’ve knocked everything off the edge a long time ago
I was with OP till those arrogant ass posts bout how he so much smarter than everyone else here. Real intellectuals don’t brag about it![]()
We can also talk about how the sizes of the continents change from "photo" to "photo"
For you dudes who believe the earth is flat, do y’all have any peer reviewed research papers about flat earth
He went from space videos are cgi to they are filmed underwater to it could be LEO. He's got people in space now, lets see how he juelz this one![]()
Dude "believes" in LEO, but discounts footage from the ISS
Make it make sense dog![]()
His internal religion relies on flat earth so he has to say whatever he can to convince himself that is true. He can believe whatever he wants but he's all over different threads calling people stupid for talking about space. I'm just wondering how much evidence he can deny before even he realizes how ridiculous he sounds if thats possible.Clear demonstration and textbook definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Only thing that makes sense.
The fundamental misuse and attempt to appear to know thermodynamics makes it blatant.
I am entirely aware that I'm speaking to a scientific illiterate.
Again, show your work. Stop talking to me about calculators, and post the formula, plug in the numbers HERE ON THE COLI, and explain.
I am not accepting your numbers without context. You need to demonstrate you speak math. It's obvious that you don't, and that's why you're getting upset.
I showed my trigonometry, you need to show you can do the math. Otherwise, you are admitting you don't actually know what you're talking about.
Another example of you being disingenuous. What you said was "air", you did not say "hot air", which is less dense than regular air. That is an extremely important distinction to make, since we are talking about density. For example, when I brought up the beach ball in water thing, I didn't make a distinction between cold water and warm water.
Warmer water rises and colder water sinks because it is more dense.
You should have said a hot-air balloon.
Density is mass per unit volume.
The ship sinking due to taking on water is due to it losing it's buoyancy. It sinks because of gravity. Gravity is pulling it DOWN.
I need to see an example of what you're talking about. A "vertical" shadow on the moon? Please explain what you mean here.