I'm attracted to my co-worker and i have a fiance((UPDATE IN ORIGINAL))


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Finding others attractive while you're with someone is normal :yeshrug:

Starting to have on-going conversations with said person :patrice:

Making coffee dates with that person :whoa:

Going through with the coffee dates :rudy:

Which leads to you having your guts rearranged by the object of your desire behind your fiance's back :camby:

Which leads to you being fired by your fiance, possibly fired by your job and then becoming a THOT in the eyes of your child who will eventually find out why he/she was raised between two homes instead of with both parents as a husband and wife :umad:

And you being another punk a## b#tch with nothing to show for cheating accept more mileage, no husband and a bad reputation :mjlol:



Apr 18, 2013
So there is this guy, we work in an office setting together, we flirt.....hell we flirt alot sometimes with a sexual innuendo, he's fine as fucck,:noah: muscular build..younger than me & he turns me on just by the way he looks at me:takedat:. I try to avoid him cause temptation is a bytch.....:birdman:. I think he's single but i am not sure.. He asked me to sit and have coffee with him on this saturday morning and i said yes.... But i have a Fiance............a live in Fiance at that, we have a child together... & my co-worker knows this.Jesus help me.... He looks like he can pick me up...:whew:. I have impure thoughts of him.......Am i a trollop?? :lupe:We haven't fukked other than the thoughts in my mind.....i'm sure if i "keep getting coffee" with him things could get nasty but i feel like a cheater already....... Am i wrong to have these impure thoughts?? I need to back out on getting coffee with him but his fineness is stopping me. Go ahead call me out....call me tramp and a whore... This may help me....:wow:

What would you do if you were in this situation???

If you have a child and a fiance yet you already wanna fukk dude, then in all likelihood you will continue to harbor these feelings for men that come in and out of your life....so you need to either dead it for the sake of your family...or seriously reevaluate your current relationship because you sounding real fukked up now...honestly, if you were happy with your current man you wouldn't even be doing this shyt...and based on what I see...you will continue to want to fukk other dudes so you might as well just be a single mother. :manny:


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
@Goddess_Godiva you need to get that shyt out your system before marriage ma. Im not saying cheat by any means but maybe yall need to take a break instead of you doing some cruddy shyt. You basically gotta quench your thirst or you always gon be thirsty.

Or tell ya boy get his frumpy ass in the gym :troll:

Breh, how do you think that's really going to work? If your fiance tells you she wants to take a break, then how does that work for this dude wanting to come back after "the break" and still being confident that this is the chick he wants to spend his life with?

Maybe I'm a different kind of dude, but if my chick who I decided to ask to marry me decided that she wanted to take a "break", then there's no break. She's just fired.....no wedding, no ring, no discussion. Because in all my days, I've never seen a person ask for a "break" unless they're up to no good....and no good always has a reproductive organ.

And then when it's confirmed why she wanted the "break", sooner or later, and it will be confirmed at one point, then how do you think that's going to work between her and the dude? You think dude is going to be on some "oh well, she just wanted to feel some new d#ck slide into her womb......I mean, that's cool."
If she cheats on dude, she's f#cked up. If she takes a break from dude to sleep with this new dude, she's f#cked up. Either way, she's fattening frogs for snakes and possibly throwing away her family for some strange d#ck. If that aint dumb slut sh#t, then I don't know what is.

I find that funny that chicks are dapping this because how many would be dapping if this was a dude talking about cheating on his fiance whom he has a child by for some hoodrat b#tch at his job? Riddle me that one.



Jun 22, 2012
women will have 80% at home and go out and seek the 20% missing..sounds like you saying you have a good man but this other man is so strong and can pick you up physically, then when you get treated like shyt from guys cry why cant you find a good man...:pacspit:


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
Breh, how do you think that's really going to work? If your fiance tells you she wants to take a break, then how does that work for this dude wanting to come back after "the break" and still being confident that this is the chick he wants to spend his life with?

Maybe I'm a different kind of dude, but if my chick who I decided to ask to marry me decided that she wanted to take a "break", then there's no break. She's just fired.....no wedding, no ring, no discussion. Because in all my days, I've never seen a person ask for a "break" unless they're up to no good....and no good always has a reproductive organ.

And then when it's confirmed why she wanted the "break", sooner or later, and it will be confirmed at one point, then how do you think that's going to work between her and the dude? You think dude is going to be on some "oh well, she just wanted to feel some new d#ck slide into her womb......I mean, that's cool."
If she cheats on dude, she's f#cked up. If she takes a break from dude to sleep with this new dude, she's f#cked up. Either way, she's fattening frogs for snakes and possibly throwing away her family for some strange d#ck. If that aint dumb slut sh#t, then I don't know what is.

I find that funny that chicks are dapping this because how many would be dapping if this was a dude talking about cheating on his fiance whom he has a child by for some hoodrat b#tch at his job? Riddle me that one.


gotta pos rep this..