I talk a lot of about privacy and security but maybe you don’t want to be all that secure in some situations. If you got a recent Macbook or high end laptop in general you could and should do everything you can to secure the laptop. That being said you don’t usually get your laptop stolen nearly as much as you get your phones stolen or lost.
So consider turning off Two factor authentication on your laptops for banking or going to email options for authentication so that you can get into your bank accounts.
Obviously using authetication apps where you can is best and Aegis is better than Google authenticator but some banks don’t use this make sure that your bank allows authentication apps or yubikeys or email verification before you leave it will be a bytch trying to get in touch with your bank use only your phone.
So consider turning off Two factor authentication on your laptops for banking or going to email options for authentication so that you can get into your bank accounts.
Obviously using authetication apps where you can is best and Aegis is better than Google authenticator but some banks don’t use this make sure that your bank allows authentication apps or yubikeys or email verification before you leave it will be a bytch trying to get in touch with your bank use only your phone.