
Feb 16, 2017
More game about saying safe overseas.

If you have a place with a doorman/ gate guard always tip him. Tip them and give them your what's app and tell them there's another tip coming after you leave and you will have gained someone with a huge incintive to watch your back. He can give you good game on if he's seen your girlfriend here before.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
More game about saying safe overseas.

If you have a place with a doorman/ gate guard always tip him. Tip them and give them your what's app and tell them there's another tip coming after you leave and you will have gained someone with a huge incintive to watch your back. He can give you good game on if he's seen your girlfriend here before.
:wow:Hate it had to be you...
Them overseas yawns are for fun only fam, you messed up falling in love.


Feb 16, 2017
Let me speak on women some more: Social Class and Education matters a whole Lot A chick could be broke but if she's educated and clouted she wants to marry another Locally clouted Man. No matter how much money you got unless you're an actual USD Millioniare or if the country is really undeveloped does your expat money matter. If you want to know if you're plugged in and accepted in a society you are accepted when you have local friends with the same education and money as you.

To put in a way that easy to understand any Random Cop especially anyone with a rank higher than Patrolman has way more clout that any expat. In Most countries they could whip your ass or kill you and nothing will happen to them. If you want to open up a business you're at the mercy of the most low level clerk who has the power to slow or stop your paperwork. Women know this and she'd much rather date the clerk at the local DMV over you based on the clout that the clerk has. Even if she "loves" you any random that has any kind of connection with the government matters way more than some Expat. Just like any ADOS chick would rather deal with a native citizen over a "rich" migrant (unless the migrant was a millionaire)

I say all this to say that especially if you're not living in country assume that you're chick is being piped out by a local. I was just invited to coffee by a chick with a fly ass Colombia (the US Outdoor company) rain jacket on. Turned out she was given that jacket by a gringo boyfriend who she met when she was in the states, she's talking to another joker and she's texting me. And she's a "good girl" The other nikkas in the states aren't taking her serious either.
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Feb 12, 2015
you give a maaaad amount of game in this thread @Wiseborn .... Im just leaving Lisbon right now. Was a quicke 2 day layover..... like the vibe. Good infrastructure, good pricing, but this was brief stop so gonna def be coming back in a few months and get a better lay of the land.


Feb 16, 2017
you give a maaaad amount of game in this thread @Wiseborn .... Im just leaving Lisbon right now. Was a quicke 2 day layover..... like the vibe. Good infrastructure, good pricing, but this was brief stop so gonna def be coming back in a few months and get a better lay of the land.
I want to check out Lisbon. Did you see any overt racism?


Feb 16, 2017
The point of my last post is that you'd generally do better in a country where you can be accepted easily by the culture. For example when I was planning to go to Colombia from the DR I asked every DR expat and veteran traveler which was better. They all said Colombia, when I asked why they were in the DR they said that Colombian chicks were flakes.

They were correct. I'm cool with some expats and locals here but I knew way more expats and locals in the DR and had chicks that I could almost take semi seriously. It's like I left Jackson MS and moved to Manhattan people are less friendly in general the chicks are more funnystyle. I dated two law students in the DR here I met one college graduate chick.

In Kenya I met several people who were clouted in some way. I met a chick who was related to some politician and she offered to introduce me to several University of Nairobi Law school co eds. Now she was kind of expecting me to either help her get a visa to the states or let her hold something, But these were Law school students at the most prestigious school in the country again getting with chicks who were gonna be clouted up with be worth doing a little tricking to someone who might be in a position to help me out in the future.

At the end of the day all women are essentially the same and it's not about what you know but who you know. I'd defenitely whine and dine a Law student from a good family over piping out a fly ass country girl and giving her Taxi money. The country girl will always be a debit and not a credit.
Feb 12, 2015
I want to check out Lisbon. Did you see any overt racism?

No I didn't actually. I also speak spanish fluently and as a result taught myself portuguese more or less. But if you saw me you would think I'm just your regular ol cat from north america.

but baxk to the question. No nothing overt, they've seemed to have done a decent job in getting the comminities integrated.....at least superficially. Folks of all shades were interacting pretty seamlessly which kinda surprised me. Of course you will have those older folks in their 60's and up stick in dem superiority complexes. But I didn't encounter it or observe it.

But there are dispairities if you know where to look. For instance the lower level labour jobs like working service jobs and restaurant jobs tended to be made up of folks looking like us, but it was far from exclusively that and even then the interactions between the employees and bosses was pretty relaxed amd jovial.

The city has an underlying African influence amd they acknowledge it from what I gather. Of course you got most advertisements with the classic "fair skinned" individual being the face of the products. But from the buses I took that left the downtown core it was decently integrated. I didn't g ovr to Amadora which has a heavy African immirgant population. The guide I had on a walking tour I did seemed to keep it a buck. When I asked him about Amadora he said it was lower class but it wasn't as troublesome as it may seem.

The decriminalization of drugs makes a hell of a difference. If folks want something get it do it and their is no huge social cloud hanging over your head.... mind you that is at with regards to the softer party drugs like trees and yay. At least from first observation. The heroin tho.... well that was the drug that led them to decriminalization in the frist place....there is plenty of stuff on the results of that one can read.

From my quick synopsis it is relwxed city, folks prefer to enjoy eachother's company, sipping drinks, being present and vibing. Which is a huge contrast to British drinking culture which is getting sloshed on benders, boistrous, loud, and chaotic. Lisbon ain't like that. Plus the women ain't carrying around beer bellies like the UK girls.....could find you some Angolan, Mozambiquean, Sao Tome, or Cape Verdean queens or if you want some mixed women they all over too. But I know you're older so you know your way around that.

Def worth xhecking out..... Im already thinking Im gonna go back in April amd spend a week or so amd get a good feeling for things and see what's lying behind my rose tinted glasses.


Feb 16, 2017
No I didn't actually. I also speak spanish fluently and as a result taught myself portuguese more or less. But if you saw me you would think I'm just your regular ol cat from north america.

but baxk to the question. No nothing overt, they've seemed to have done a decent job in getting the comminities integrated.....at least superficially. Folks of all shades were interacting pretty seamlessly which kinda surprised me. Of course you will have those older folks in their 60's and up stick in dem superiority complexes. But I didn't encounter it or observe it.

But there are dispairities if you know where to look. For instance the lower level labour jobs like working service jobs and restaurant jobs tended to be made up of folks looking like us, but it was far from exclusively that and even then the interactions between the employees and bosses was pretty relaxed amd jovial.

The city has an underlying African influence amd they acknowledge it from what I gather. Of course you got most advertisements with the classic "fair skinned" individual being the face of the products. But from the buses I took that left the downtown core it was decently integrated. I didn't g ovr to Amadora which has a heavy African immirgant population. The guide I had on a walking tour I did seemed to keep it a buck. When I asked him about Amadora he said it was lower class but it wasn't as troublesome as it may seem.

The decriminalization of drugs makes a hell of a difference. If folks want something get it do it and their is no huge social cloud hanging over your head.... mind you that is at with regards to the softer party drugs like trees and yay. At least from first observation. The heroin tho.... well that was the drug that led them to decriminalization in the frist place....there is plenty of stuff on the results of that one can read.

From my quick synopsis it is relwxed city, folks prefer to enjoy eachother's company, sipping drinks, being present and vibing. Which is a huge contrast to British drinking culture which is getting sloshed on benders, boistrous, loud, and chaotic. Lisbon ain't like that. Plus the women ain't carrying around beer bellies like the UK girls.....could find you some Angolan, Mozambiquean, Sao Tome, or Cape Verdean queens or if you want some mixed women they all over too. But I know you're older so you know your way around that.

Def worth xhecking out..... Im already thinking Im gonna go back in April amd spend a week or so amd get a good feeling for things and see what's lying behind my rose tinted glasses.
Cool. How much would you say you spent? especially as opposed to any non western countries.
Feb 12, 2015
Cool. How much would you say you spent? especially as opposed to any non western countries.

I don't have an exact figure off the top of my head, but Portugal is known to be cheaper to live compared to the rest of the EU. I had a hotel right in the heart of the downtown core/touristy area and I spent about 90 CAD a night. Food was cheap, fresh, and good. It is a coastal country fish and seafood is cheap. Plus the whole EU has stricter regulations of how foods can be processed, meat can be raised, the types of feeds you can give chicken, pesticides that can be used, etc... and you can tell the difference in taste. Gotta say even in the UK the food a in quality, even though them Brits aren't culinary wizards...


Feb 16, 2017
I don't have an exact figure off the top of my head, but Portugal is known to be cheaper to live compared to the rest of the EU. I had a hotel right in the heart of the downtown core/touristy area and I spent about 90 CAD a night. Food was cheap, fresh, and good. It is a coastal country fish and seafood is cheap. Plus the whole EU has stricter regulations of how foods can be processed, meat can be raised, the types of feeds you can give chicken, pesticides that can be used, etc... and you can tell the difference in taste. Gotta say even in the UK the food a in quality, even though them Brits aren't culinary wizards...

yeah I noticed that. Same thing in Africa the food even if you order american style food it tastes different. Chickens are smaller, Since they export to the EU in Africa they use EU farming standards (on the food that you buy from big farms) I don't want to make it seem like everything overseas is better but it's more natural and people eat what less bullshyt even when eating fast food. I rarely drink sodas unless I'm with company and I haven't eaten fast food in months. I used to fukk with salt n Vinegar chips and Hot cheetos heavy back home. They don't have Hot Cheetos overseas. They do have regular Cheetos but again because the food tastes different the cheese they use tastes more like real cheese and somehow that make cheetos nasty, So I stopped eating them.

Very hard to be fat over here the weather is conducive to walking and the food is amazing and Colombia is kind of the England of South America I eat mainly Peruvian chicken not Colombian.
Feb 12, 2015
yeah I noticed that. Same thing in Africa the food even if you order american style food it tastes different. Chickens are smaller, Since they export to the EU in Africa they use EU farming standards (on the food that you buy from big farms) I don't want to make it seem like everything overseas is better but it's more natural and people eat what less bullshyt even when eating fast food. I rarely drink sodas unless I'm with company and I haven't eaten fast food in months. I used to fukk with salt n Vinegar chips and Hot cheetos heavy back home. They don't have Hot Cheetos overseas. They do have regular Cheetos but again because the food tastes different the cheese they use tastes more like real cheese and somehow that make cheetos nasty, So I stopped eating them.

Very hard to be fat over here the weather is conducive to walking and the food is amazing and Colombia is kind of the England of South America I eat mainly Peruvian chicken not Colombian.

Didn't know that was where the EU mainly imports from, but it makes perfect sense. When I was in Liverpool last week my bro was telling me the KFC taste way different and he wasn't lying. It wasn't overly greasy and you don't feel lethargic, bloated and heavy after eating it. I don't even eat fast food like that mainly cause of those reasons.

Also as you slightly mentioned. Lisbon is very conducive to walking. It is a walking city. Maybe cause I've been so normalized to the size of Toronto other cities feel little, but it is easy to walk. Another reason you don't see obesity.

Please don't say Colombia is the UK of South America. That would break my hesrt if it is the case. Im planning on getting out tjere soon. Well it may be the UK but the beauty of women is diff to the Uk tho.... lol


Feb 16, 2017
Didn't know that was where the EU mainly imports from, but it makes perfect sense. When I was in Liverpool last week my bro was telling me the KFC taste way different and he wasn't lying. It wasn't overly greasy and you don't feel lethargic, bloated and heavy after eating it. I don't even eat fast food like that mainly cause of those reasons.

Also as you slightly mentioned. Lisbon is very conducive to walking. It is a walking city. Maybe cause I've been so normalized to the size of Toronto other cities feel little, but it is easy to walk. Another reason you don't see obesity.

Please don't say Colombia is the UK of South America. That would break my hesrt if it is the case. Im planning on getting out tjere soon. Well it may be the UK but the beauty of women is diff to the Uk tho.... lol
I'm just saying no one comes to Colombia for the Food. That being said there's plenty of Mexican, Peruvian, Brazilian and Argentine restaurants here. But Colombian Food? They put cheese on and in everything.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
I personally don't work, but I know brehs that work online or got online jobs on Cragslist and upwork. I know a breh who makes 915 dollars a month and that's a decent amount that keeps him weeded and liquored up all the time.

What Craig’s list jobs you tombout?