Good luck to the sisters waging that civil gender war
These online social media 'activists' have had smoke for black men for the last 10 years with unending bad takes and 'think pieces' about how we are trash no matter what we do.
If they're redirecting their venom against us to arguing with Trans then good luck to em. At least they're leaving me and my brothers alone. You don't have men arguing with transmen about who is and who isn't a man for a number of reasons but I think the main one is this: transmen understand that although being a man has its own challenges, men ultimately have grown used to being able to be happy with less.
They know they will never be fully accepted by straight women, and they know that men will be civil towards them but they will ultimately lose if they try to compete with us as representatives of masculinity. They know they will never break male powerlifting records, never be more appealing to straight women(when even most biological men struggle to get women) and never be able to accept the sheer level of cruelty we are expected to endure from men and women. They accept the role they have and like a typical man, can learn to be happy with what they have.
So many trans women on the other hand still have that male dog in them. They still have that need to be dominant and that will cause friction. They may present as a female, but its important to them to have any semblance of doubt removed. They want women and men to treat them as female from birth and to accept the alternative reality they crafted in their mind. One in which they were never male, they went through high school and puberty just as a girl did, and that they are no different from any woman despite the fact that their existence is only possible due to advances in science and technology. Their need to be not only accepted but seen as MORE feminine than many women motivates this anger towards cis women.
I like how other cultures have done things where they acknowledge transgender people exist, but they give them their own category and let them cook there. The Trans in those communities aren't ashamed of the fact that they are transgender. It's part of their identity and they don't want to hide it. They don't want to jump onto someone else's struggle and claim to be a part of it. They're fine with having their own. It's this American competitiveness and need for dominance that creates this unique tension that aggravates everybody.