It's unhealthy to be ridiculous and morose. If you look at average white folks and think that they want to lynch in you 2014 then you are sick in the head. Nuff' said. You probably bitter because you can't figure out how to come up so you let our skin color vindicate you from your failures. If you play the victim role 24-7 then I can't identify with you regardless of whether we have the same skin color or not.
It's like... here's some really fukked up shyt, let me randomly post is to support my argument (I was going to post a pic but it's so grotesque and offensive that I can't even go through with it in a setting like The Coli). Here's a link though:
Then I'll use your reasoning and say something like:
"Japanese people are the devil, never trust them. They just want to experiment on us and make us eat each other while we sit in our own filth."
^ Ridiculous illogical thinking. Unhealthy thought processes. You will never come up thinking like that, and you will be the one to blame.
Get it?