Black Gatsby
Lord$ Never Worry
it still gives off a certain image these days. and at 17 he ain't equipped enough to be like " can i help you sir?....i'm just walking down the street" etc.
I live in the suburbs of DC these days and at the liquor store "tick tock liquors" has signs that say hoods off when in the store....and that's a mile down the street from university of maryland.
and obvi if Trayvon had on the hoddie and was jogging in some running gear it would be a different image as we all know.
but as a teenager....especially a black teenager you have to be aware of the image you are giving off towards black people as well as any other race of people. is it right? no. but don't be an easy target in that regard in which excuses come into play. like "oh he had on a hoodie and looked intimidating...blah blah blah" Make the Zimmermans of the world attack a clean imagine and try to justify it....would be impossible. Zimmerman would have already been in deep ish if he popped a Carlton Banks type of prep....but he probably would never try that type to be honest.
Housing: The Silver Hoodies - we're down with OAP | Society | The Guardian
people do it to look bad@ss/thugged out if you will. What you think runs through peoples mind when a black teen does it with a hoodie in a conservative white neighborhood?
Hell, tattoos are more acceptable these days....but it still gives off an image that can work against you if overdone.
SMFH it's apologist attitudes like this that means attacks like these will continue. A MAN hunted, attacked and killed a CHILD and you're claiming that what he was wearing makes it fair game? He racially profiled Martin saw a young black man and thought add a hoody to the equation and he must be a criminal.
All this says is people need to change their perception, because if it's raining and I'm going to put my hood up. If a white man approaches me because he feels uncomfortable because of this I will tell him to deal with it, don't project your insecurities on me.
I won't even abuse you, but it appears you also need to change the way you think.
There is no defence for Zimmerman and his actions, he was told not to pursue Trayvon but he went against Police orders and did so and as a consequence took a childs life.
Said he felt threatened by someone minding their own business that he decided to follow and as a result took a child's life.
Let that marinate so next time you want to blame Trayvon and his hoody you hold back smh