what if your pops was a heel? for a young kid it might be hard to draw that line between fantasy and reality.
imagine bein on the road 300 days a year, you just got done with a match, you're exhausted, you're in all sorts of pain, you've been away from your family for like 3 months... you finally pick up a phone to call back home.

"hey it's me! how's it goin! how are the kids!"

... not sure if they wanna talk to you right now.

" what's the matter?"

... hold on I'll put him on.
:: puts oldest son on the phone ::


"what's wrong lil buddy? is everythink okay? you takin care of your lil sister?

...... why did you-...

.............why did you-....

............ why did you do that to john cena?

"... it's only a show buddy. me and john are friends.

"they had to carry him out on a stretcher.........

..... and... and... and... then you told him to burn in hell and that next time you were gonna kill his sorry ass!"

... "uh....."

"hunter you need to me work any extra dates next month?"