If you woke up with superpowers, what would you do (HYPOTHETICAL)


All Star
Apr 14, 2020
I already have super powers

I got:

Spider sense
Juggernaut bubble
Slightly psychic
POS cant help but start shyt with me like im glowing and they need to see the shiny thing. Then i put them in line. I sweat to god. Lmao.

I used to walk the “hood” in my lil work outfit so people drunk walking round would talk shyt. Then id fight 3-5 guys at once and win.

I did this like 5x. Augemented with drugs. The powers come and go. I thought it was the drugs.

Juggernaut bubble worked 3x in life. Twice in a fight. Guy came at me full bore to hit me and it was like a fly hit me or his fist deflected off the bubble. We both sat there looking at our arms like wtf just happened. 3x overall i know it worked. At the same time multiple people told me they saw orbs on me. Not in pics. On me in life. My boss at work flipped out over it. Said he saw orbs on me for straight minute. Especially when i said my mom been bringing it up all year. I was WILDING out and my guardian angels were all over me. I was testing my limits att.

The spider sense has gotten me outta major shyt. Got setup on some snitch shyt like 5x and each time i knew and would get sick before. One time i met this kid he told me to meet him some place as i get there I change the meet cause I got a bad feeling. I tell him you better run here or im Out. We meet. I drive 5 blocks away and start throwing uo outside my car window. As i do 2 DTs pull up right next to me eyeing me. I said wtf you looking at and spit at em. Like i said that happened like 5x alone. Also caught 5 dts following me on a 3 hr run same way.i started geyting nauseous and Person next to me swore we werent be followed but i knew. Soon as i got back 15 cars and machine guns the whole 9 on me. Told her dont ever tell me my business again.

I also got into some shyt with sone kid in high school and he gave me a look after i embarassed him, like he was coming to kill me next day. And my apider sense went insane and i started wispering threats to him in the hallway cause i knew something was gonna happen. He ended up killing himself an hr later. I knew one of us was gon die. I found out 20 yrs later he molested a boy and girl and was going down for it. The day before i randomly started a figut with him and embarassed him in front of everyone because we had a prior probpem that came to a head. I just so happened to pick this like the day it sas about to drop. Then he killed himself but he 100% gave me the look like it was gonna be me and i dont think my angels tookntoo kindly to it.. Like i knew he was a POS and couodnt help it.

Ive literally been through this shyt so often that yea. 100%. Already got em

And no im not joking
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Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
:wow: going to the WNBA or Olympics, gotta get those endorsement deals, shock the hell out of my opponents to make them even slower.

I would prefer invisibility or being able to read minds though

Maybe I'd go to the NFL


I'd be fast and I would literally shock defenses with my electrifying stiff arm
Apr 3, 2014
Die for people who hate you brehs :heh:

Given the choice, i only save black people, fukk the rest of the world :russ:

Yall are acting as if what I'm saying is a foreign concept when this has been the superhero ethos since forever. They always save people who hate them. I wouldn't do it because I want a reward. I would do it because it's the right thing to do. I would save everyone.
Apr 3, 2014
Nah that cool that just make you like luke cage a hero for hire:myman:

Why did Danny Rand have to get paid when he was a literal billionaire? :dahell: